to take a trip

We took this photo on our camper road trip 2 summers ago.....and I love it.  I love what this photo tells me.  It is a map and a guide our journey.  The map shows me the way.....the lens captures all the important stuff along the way so that I don't forget.

God is both, isn't he.  He has the map for sure....and His wisdom and love are the lens.  With Him, I have the direction and the perspective.  But his road.......his road is hard.

God sets a challenge, an assignment, a request before me. I see a destination in His plan.  I work hard to follow his map and sometimes I get lost, I doubt, I question it.....but eventually I yield.  I may argue with Him for awhile but inevitably, he picks up a camera and takes some photos and shows me things that blow me away.....cause me to pause and really savor the journey......

He has so many amazing things to share with us.....but we have to be willing to say yes to the trip.  We have to be willing to become uncomfortable, get out of the boat and walk on water again and again.....and refuse to listen to the voices of doubt all around us, and inside of us.

I want to be brave.  I want to climb into the camper with God and take those trips.....relying on the map and the camera and learning more and more of what He longs to share with me......I pray I can be brave and ready for adventure every day with the Lord.  


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