Parent them longer.....Isaac Earl

Isaac Earl Kredit will be 15 tomorrow.  15 isn't as much of a milestone birthday as 13, 14, 16, 18.......but it is a milestone.  When this guy turns 15 he will be at school and with his friends at state basketball tournament games and not home celebrating with his family.  We celebrated him tonight, which was his idea.  He wanted Nana Barb's cheesecake and bacon wrapped weenies.....and cheesy potatoes and crunchy broccoli and naan.  And steak.  Birthday meal....boom.  He and I went to the store today to get the stuff for dinner and he picked out some of his favorite foods to have at home.  We stopped at his job, Culvers, to get some custard and talk to his co-workers......he is such a cool kid.  
I told him that I had about 15 more years to parent him.  He literally laughed out loud before he said,"mom....what are you talking about?!"  I said, "well, buddy, the male brain doesn't fully mature until about age 27 so I get that long to help mold you and form you....and another 3 years to tweak it.  Once you are 30 you are on your own, living out your life with what I could give you."  His response was something like this...." mom, you are so weird".  But he said it with a smile.  
Lets parent them longer.  Not just until they are 18 or 21 or until they choose to move out or get married.  Lets parent them until they are fully mature and make decisions that reflect that.  Lets parent them through mistakes and successes and celebrate them.  I told Isaac that after age 30 I would still be there for him, and help him when he needs me but I mostly will just praise him, encourage him and be on his side from that point on.  I will have done my job.  He's only been around 15 years so far, so I have at least that much time left to get my hands on his heart and his brain......and I'll take it.  Ever single day of it.  He is smart and deep and interesting and silly.  He is a good, good person.  He has so much potential to be great for the Lord. 

 Happy birthday, buddy.  I love that you are 15 tomorrow.  I love that I can still help you clean your room, make your bed and go shopping together.  I love that I can make you laugh and roll your eyes when I bring you to work.  I love that if I don't wake up in time, you will get up, make your breakfast and drive yourself to school for early morning open gym for soccer.  I love that you study hard and get good grades and have friends.  I love that you still play Wii with your little siblings and will go out to the backyard to throw baseballs with Jeremiah.....I love you.  I am in awe that we made you.....and that God has you in the palm of his hand.  Happy birthday tomorrow.  I liked spending your last day together as a 14 year old.....and your future is so so bright.  


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