oh to be the light...
Today I came home and lit a candle and asked Alexa, our Amazon toy/watchdog/data- stealer about our life/robot to play James Taylor radio.....because James Taylor songs make me feel melancholy and content......
I am wondering how I can be the light to the darkness of someone. She has a very complex and difficult life and has been hurt badly. Multiple outside community resources are telling her how to improve her situation.....but she cannot trust. How do I help her learn to trust again when the very people who are trying to help her have broken that trust.......How do I help her heal from something that continues to be a source of fear and trouble.......how can we build trust in a broken soul?
There is a young boy who also needs light to break into his darkness. We learned about him a few months ago and more recently his situation has become harder. We are committing to walk part of the journey with this child. We don't know what that will involve, but we decided to try to be light to him....and ultimately to lead him to The Light of Jesus.
Darkness is full of shadows and fears and doubts......and our imaginations are often more powerful than the reality in the room....so we must always be searching for the light, bringing light into the room, turning on the lamps, lighting the candles.....Light wins over darkness.
The days are finally getting longer, and the darkness of night doesn't last as long....Spring is a week away. Jeremiah is about at the end of his winter rope so I am urging Mother Nature to hasten the day of sunshine, melted snow, and daylight that lasts from 6am to 10pm......my boy needs the light.
I am so very grateful that Jesus is the light.....and He asks us to be the light to others. I'm glad He understands that power of lighting up the room and bringing truth and felt safety whenever He is...and that He is omnipresent.
Lord Jesus, enlighten me....show me how to be the light in dark places, the healer of brokennes in people, the vessel that you can use to make sure your will gets done. Give me courage to walk into the dark places with people day after day, and the wisdom to know how to help them. It is sacred and precious space we fill when we are invited into someone's situation that is hard and painful and hopeless. It is a gift you give us when you allow us to be with them and care about the hard things they face. It is the heart and soul of how you created Me in your image......to care and to long to help and bless and heal. Thank you, Jesus for how you made me. Thank you for trusting me with the hurting souls around me. Thank you for breaking my heart for what breaks yours every single day. I do not want to waste a minute of the time you have given me on Earth for anything less. Jesus.....be the lamp unto my feet....and the light unto my path.....lead the way.
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