I choose love

Romans 8:  37/38.  No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loves us.  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  

I have a rather large prayer list this week.  There are several people who have specifically and intentionally reached out to ask for prayers....and I take those requests very seriously.  I used to call them my "second cup" prayers.  My first cup of coffee was to wake up....and my second was to settle into intercession and praise.  My daily schedule has changed over time and so now I only have one perfect (double) cup of coffee.......and my prayers now infuse my entire day.  In the car, at the kitchen counter, in the in between times as Holy Spirit whispers names, hurts, needs......He and I sit together with them and we agree.......Christ Jesus' death to save us covers all of it......

There is so much hurt and brokenness, fear and loss all around us, people.  It would be easy to get swallowed up by it and just give up......but He tells us that we are more than conquerors.....not just that we CAN conquer......but that we are MORE than just winners through Jesus, who loves us.  

He loves us.  Right where we are.....just as we are......full of all our junk.  His love pours out over us and with the power that comes from Jesus, we are more than.......never less than.  All of the things that we fight and struggle and wrestle with.....they cannot separate us from Jesus Love.  

It really always comes back to love.  Love always wins.  Haters can hate......liars will lie.....but lovers can always show love.  Today, love looked like me apologizing to a child for being snarky in the morning rush.  Love also accepted my apology.  Love drove out of the way to bring treats to school because the life group at school was expecting them and certain teen boy forgot them.  Love hugged the middle child who is desperate for spring and it is instead cold and windy today.  Love reached out with scripture and connection to someone really hurting.....and love ordered her a bible from amazon prime and it will be at her house in a few days.  Love called me to talk through my latest God challenge and sincerely cares how I process this.  Love showed up at a prom planning meeting when he had much more urgent things to do.  Love took her sack lunch to work for supper.  Love made us a yummy pasta dinner and lots of sweet treats for the week........love can be so creative, so diverse, so meaningful, and so tender.  

I choose love today....and tomorrow.  and the day after that.  


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