a catch up post.....a bit long....a bit more that I meant to write.....

Today we were talking and somehow we came to the topic of my blog.  Both of my teen boys got weird.....they do not want to be the topic of my blog so if I said they were not, they were relieved.  I don't know that they read it but they know it exists. ( That is so weird to me. ) That my kids are now aware that I write publicly and that they are freaked out if I write about them is having an impact.

I need to respect the privacy of my children.....and I need to be able to vent at the end of my day.  This blog has been that place for me for years and years....so I'm trying to sort out the next phase of it.  I love to write.  I NEED to write.  If I don't write and share, I will write and throw away as I did for years and years before blogging was a thing.  I like that other people relate to what I say and feel like their lives are the same.....I like to feel like I am helpful, challenging, and relevant.

I have had a long season blogging and feeling helpful, challenging and relevant.  I also want to be timely.  If blogging is fading out, that is fine.  I can move on.  The thing is....I still have things to say.  What to do with that?

How does this thing stay something that is therapeutic for me, chronicles our life in a way that is sweet and artistic and wonderful, and informs family and friends that we don't talk to every day.  I don't really know.  I'll keep at it for awhile and see what evolves.

Here are  a few new ideas moving around my heart and mind...

  We are seriously looking at becoming licensed foster parents.  Sooner than later.  It was always in the "later" plan but situations are moving it up in priority.  If that happens I will have a few more blogger topics.  Also, I am about a year away from turning 50....so there may be some thoughts on that.  I plan to get a tattoo....and all of my moms can just say "ok" and not give me any flack.  ok.  ok?  ok.  Claire is talking about college.  We are discussing college classes she can take next year at her senior year at Unity and we are trying to schedule college visits.....and I just.....can't.....I can't go there right now.  She is leaving.  Soon.  Obviously more on that.

We are planning the after prom party and our assignment is Games.  This is due to the fact that Claire's class elected her an officer her Junior year....to PLAN PROM!!!!!   So by default we have to be on the after prom committee......watch my brain implode, ok? ( I didn't even like my own prom.)  Thank goodness Roger is adept and skilled and freaking awesome at this kind of thing.  He alone is the chairman of after prom party games.  I'll just show up and work.

 We are also planning a fund raiser dinner for Claire to return to Haiti in June.  Oh, yeah, the week of prom.  That's when we are doing the meal.  April 5.  I will post again about that but please do notice this.  It's her third trip this year.  She loves this ministry and these children so so much.  It is forming her and shaping her into the adult she will be.  Come out to eat or send a check....or both.

Wow.  I should really write more often.  That was a lot.  Sorry.


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