Fit bits and sleep and blessed nights....and a Hallelujah.....

Roger and I both have wrist bands that are fit bit devices.  He has had his a long time.  I got mine for my birthday last spring.  These wrist bands can track how many steps/miles we take, and our calorie intake if we put it into the app on our smart phones.  It also can log how well we sleep......mine is newer and even buzzes when someone calls me and their name scrolls across my wrist if they are in my contacts......super cool.  We love our wrist bands.  So far, they are not making us thinner.....but we are definitely more self-aware.

Roger and I both happened to be home today for a few minutes at lunch time.  We were comparing notes......about recorded on our arm bands.  I get about 7 1/2 of good sleep each night....even with the little kids moving in and out of my sleep....and the dogs off and on my bed.  Not bad, eh?  Roger, on the other hand, sometimes gets less than 2 hours of good sleep a night.  Seriously!  that is not ok.  Today I decided to tackle this problem, whether he likes it or not.  And believe me.....he doesn't like it.  At all.

I did some internet research which simply validated what I already know to be true:  To get good sleep, we need more exercise, more healthy food, more bedtime routine......and less internet, less TV, less sugar and processed foods.  Apparently tart cherry juice is good before bed because it has tryptophan which converts to seratonin which converts to melatonin naturally.....(told you I was doing research!).  It took 3 stores before I found tart cherry juice in our little rural community.  It costs over $6 a jug.....and Roger just reported to me, as he climbed into bed, that it tastes aweful.  


I have the essential oils diffusing 3 feet from his head.  I have lullabies playing on my phone and no TV.  Joe is in the bed but is snoring softly.....on my half.  lexi?  well....she's at his feet and I'm not moving her.  She's gi-normous now.

Sleep is so important.  It improves mood, health, wellness, clarity of thought, the ability to hear God....and it is very important that I try hard to help my sweet husband get better sleep.  I know many people struggle with sleep issues.....what an aweful burden to bear.  I am so, so sorry.

Thanks be to God....this is not my burden!  I sleep well.....I sleep awesome....I love my bed and my pillows and my down comforter.  I love having my babies near me, and my dogs at peace at my feet.  I sleep well.  I work hard all day long and when I collapse in bed, I have earned the end to movement and productivity.  I do good work in my day and so I go to bed with a clear conscience and a grateful heart.....and with a God who watches over me while I rest and gaurds my thoughts and dreams and fights my spiritual battles for me.

I know I'm lucky.  I know I won't always be gauranteed good and restful sleep but for now, it is my blessing.  Even with children who don't sleep well.....I have documented proof that I get about 7 and a half hours good sleep each night.  Go figure......


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