for 1000 days.....more of days with Grace....

Tonight, I drove Grace to spend the night with a friend in Orange City so that she would be at school early to leave for a field trip with the Yearbook Committee.....apparently seniors get to do stuff like that.  She was so humble, asking if it would be better to bring her tonight or tomorrow morning, what would be easier for us.  This sweet girl is so very thoughtful.  I think I'm falling in love with her.....she's a good, good person.  Her parents have much to do with that.  They are both music teachers in Korea.  Not wealthy people, not self-absorbed.  They are Christian in a country where the dominating religion is Buddhism.  I learned early on in our experience with Grace, that I want to know her parents.

Tonight, Grace shared some more of her life with me.  She told me about a sister she never met who died in childhood.....and was not her mother's child by birth.  A relative had the baby and could not keep her so Grace's parents raised her but she died at age 4 and even now her parents cry when her name is mentioned.

God gave Grace 2 moms:  her real mom in Korea and me.  Her real mom is an intercessor and hears from God.  Know what?  Me too.  Once more, I remember that the Lord takes care of His children.  Over and over again.

I wish I could write Grace's mother's name.  I'm sure I cannot even pronounce it!  Here is a story about her that has pierced me and hopefully, will do the same for all of you out there reading.I hope I understood her correctly as we talked and travelled.    Grace's mother challenged herself to worship God for 1000 days straight.  That's right.  1000 days.  In Korea, church happens every morning at dawn.  The body of Christ meets to sing and dance and pray and move and raise their hands and (according to Grace) they get loud.  First thing in the morning.  The pastor gives a short message but the priority is prayer and praise.  Grace's mother is apparently not a morning person.  Neither is Grace, by the way.  Yet.  She has purposed herself to offer herself as a living sacrifice of praise every morning before her work day begins....for 1000 days straight.  God speaks to her and she intercedes on behalf of those God brings to mind.  I must know this woman.  I must.  I am convicted.  Overwhelmed.  Humbled.  and Compassionate about her.  Her husband has cancer.  Her only living child is on the other side of the world, trying to figure out life and a career path......and this mother gets up at 4:30am every day to go and worship God.  For 1000 days.

If I had not driven Grace 20 miles to her friend's home to spend the night I would not have known any of this story.  More than the conviction about her mother's commitment.....I am moved by the reality that if I/we can be fully present in the every day moments of our lives.....the Lord will reveal himself to me/us is life-changing ways.  Eternal ways.

Pray and consider what it is you could do for 1000 days to please God Almighty.  I'm going to.  I may fail.....but I have the courage to at least ask Him.  


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