my very, very special friend is visiting soon.....

Next week is important to me....and to a bunch of kids and the people who love them....and God.  Next week, something will happen that I only ever dreamed of.  My friend Sarah Rebbavarapu is coming.  I met her 7 years ago right here in blogworld.  We were starting our adoption journey to Precious and she had just started her ministry to care for abandoned, special needs kids in India.  God watched us start something significant on opposite sides of the world.....and I think maybe, he smiled.....and flexed his muscles to show off a bit and said....."watch this, folks".  He made us friends.  Me, waiting and praying and wondering about the child God had chosen for us......Sarah with a home full of sick and fragile orphan kids looking for counsel and prayer and financial support and encouragement......and God flexed his muscles and we became friends.  I've only gotten to see this important friend 3 times in the 7 years I have known her.  Ask anyone in this family and they will say they cannot believe they have never met her....she is so much a part of us that we forget she has only ever met me.  Next week.......she's coming to visit.

AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!  Just kidding.  I'm not freaking out.  I"m just super-excited and in awe of God's goodness to bring her here.  She is important to me, to the Lord and to the work of his kingdom in ways that we here in northwest Iowa don't have a definition for.  She would love opportunities to visit with people and share what's happening in India with these kids....and share what God is doing.  If you want her to stop by your place of employment or church family or home, please let me know.  She's got 2 days.  I love her so much I will share.

Miranda VanderWerff, a local adoptive mom, sells LulaRoe clothing.  This clothing is modest and comfly and affordable.  I've purchased stuff from her before.  It's dresses and skirts and tunic tops and fun leggings.....and Miranda's heart was stirred to find a fund-raiser, and Lula Roe approved Sarah's Covenant Homes as a worthy venture.  Please consider buying some fun clothes next week to support this effort.  Contact Miranda or me about details if you don't know how to navigate the internet to shop and buy.  It's very cool that the company as well as my local friend want to contribute to the wellness of these Indian kiddos.

Have I mentioned how much I love the children of SCH?  We first sponsored a girl named Rachel 7 years ago....and I begged to adopt her....but that was not God's plan.  Then we started to sponsor a girl named Zinnia who we tried to adopt....but that was not God's plan either....and once she was adopted by someone else, SCH asked who we would like to sponsor next.  A sweetie pie named Heidi, with Down Syndrome is who we currently send monthly support for.  Heidi is the same age as Precious.  We support and love the local Down Syndrome cause, called the Buddy it all fits.  For now, India says we have too many children to be considered for an adoption family for the many orphans there.  Ok.  If you say so.  We can help provide other ways.

Gather your change.  Shop for some leggings.  Invite Sarah to come speak to a group who may want to partner with her or at the very, very, very least.....pray for this ministry.  I say very least because the Lord God Almighty has already endorsed it.....we don't need to convice Him.  He is just waiting for the humans of the Earth to join Him in believing how important these children are.....and putting money where their priority is.

For me, Sarah is right up there with Mother Theresa....and she's coming to my town next week to eat at my table and play with my children and meet my friends.  Wow.  If you want in on this amazing visit....please let me know.  


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