changing the focus to beds....

I'm sitting in my little kids' room right now.  The bed is half made with half in the laundry....because we have a daily issue with nighttime wet sheets.  Ew.  I know.  I'm thinking about my bed.....because I woke up at 4:30am to take my friends Sarah and Lindsey to the airport......but I also know that my bed is full of doritos and drips of orange juice.  Guess where Precious spent some time today.......

It's been way too long since I washed the sheets of my big their beds could use some attention as well......and thoughts of bed bring me to my next request.

My community of friends and family is so awesome at saving change and getting it to me for Sarah's Covenant Homes in India.  We have send over $1500 so far to help provide medical care, school tuition, food and nurture to the special kids there.......and I pray it doesn't take much effort on our part, now does it.  We seem to have spare change everywhere.  I'm asking for something else tonight.


Not just any beds.......Indian cots for the caregivers, called Ayahs.....who stay in the foster homes and often sleep either with the SCH kids or on the floor beside them.  Many of these women are elderly and poor.  What money they make working at SCH is sent home for families.....and they don't ask for much.........but the leadership of SCH wants to give each ayah a bed.  Yep.  A bed.  A cot, actually......with a pillow, sheets and a blanket.  61 ayahs.  $53.00 each.

would you help?


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