more of the mundane....

Last night I watched Isaac play his second football game.  He is a strong lineman.  He is smart.  He had some good tackles and blocks.....on the way home, he said that they don't have any games next week, just 3 days of practice and coach said to prepare for conditioning...before bed, he came up and asked for help with training for the next 4 days.  Running, that he is ready on Tuesday and not dying at practice.  Absolutely, buddy.  We decided to run today.  I need to start running and get rid of the extra 50 pounds I'm carrying.  Roger is supposed to life weights with him but I can't control that.  Isaac also asked to go to the chiropractor because of back pain.

I chose to hear him....regarding the chiro and the work-outs.  I got him out of school today and we went to the chiro in town that I like best and it was clear that a big part of Isaac's trouble is flat arch support.  The doc gave us some arch supports and adjusted Isaac and we went home.  We set out to do our first ever run together......and my sweet boy, my mini me.....he rocked it.  We did a:  run a block, walk a block work out.  A 2 mile route.  His pace is faster than mine.  I got to watch him run ahead of me, and actually run instead of shuffle cuz the frickin' arch supports make a HUGE difference!  I got to give him tips and pointers and cheer him on.  Isaac ran.  2 miles, plus. I trotted behind him.....and tonight my body hurts.  We will run again tomorrow, and Sunday and Monday and because its good for me.....maybe I can keep running.  I want to be more healthy and fit.  I do.  I love that I could do this hard thing with my sweet boy today

I won't dwell on the fact that I was huffing and puffing and a block behind him all the way.  I won't.  I don't have to.

Tonight, Grace and I made Korean beef and noodles.  She did a happy dance.  It was pretty good.  Next time it will be better.  She wants to share with the international students tomorrow when they meet for dinner.  Claire worked tonight and is heading off on her bike to a bonfire with friends.  I'm now, finally, listening to high school football on the radio and sitting.  Precious has had a multitude of tantrums but for the moment, she is quiet.  Josiah took a long nap today.  He will be up awhile.  Isaac and Jeremiah went to the Western Christian homecoming game with friends....yep.  I count to 6 every day now.....(Roger's on his own).

Did I mention I took Precious and a friend and Joe to the park this morning?  What a day, what a day.....and tomorrow....we go again. 


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