God loves these kids.....

This blog is a funny thing.  I created it for a vessel to be used by the Lord.....it was an assignment He gave me years and years ago.....and sometimes, He doesn't prompt me to share so I just share the mundane stuff of life.  If I keep sharing mundane stuff that people can relate to.....then you are all checking in more regularly.....but know this.  The mundane posts, although entertaining and affirming, are not the point.  The point is to make sure the vessel still exists for God when He chooses to move.  To speak.  To breathe life into something.  I'm just His messenger, His voice, His conduit.  Today......in my humble and human self, I think He wants me to share something bigger.

There is a 13 year old boy in India who is one of the abandoned, special needs kids at Sarah's Covenant Homes.  His public name is Nicky.  He has suffered with severe cerebral palsy forever.....tight joints, stiff muscles, spasms......but this kid......inside his eyes and his mind and his heart and most importantly his soul......he is a masterpiece of joy and silliness and understanding.  I can say this because I met him twice on my trips to India to visit.....and he laughed at my songs and he squirmed when he was uncomfortable.  I also know he is a masterpiece because he belongs to Jesus.....and because a certain young girl who is a partner to SCH has made it her mission to fund a surgery that will help straighten Nicky's spine.  This is a spendy surgery.  She has been selling t-shirts and raising awareness and praying and asking and this spendy surgery......it matters.  Maybe not to Nicky as much as to the rest of us.  We stand up whenever we want to.  We stretch tall to help us wake up and meet the day.  We bend over if we drop something.  Effortlessly, we do life with a free body.  Nicky is trapped in his.  God could heal him in a blink of an eye.  I know He could.  Maybe God delights in us, the ones who stretch and stand tall effortlessly.....when we acknowledge what a gift it is.....to stand tall.  Maybe God waits for us to notice when someone else cannot sit up straight.  Maybe God wants us to help.

I believe Nicky is fine with the Lord, whether he sits or not.  He and God have their own thing going on and it is perfect and flawless and joyful.  We, the healthy and upright-standers.....we need Nicky.  And God.  We need to dig a bit deeper into our pockets and cushions and purses and hearts.....to fund a surgery that will help Nicky live in this life more comfortably.  Even if it costs us a bit of comfort, ya know?

I know God loves these kids.  I know that I know that I know it.  He has told me and He has shown me and I will return to India again some day so that He can show me again and again.  The children that others have turned away from are the delight of the Lord.  He summoned me to help raise money for their care and the only thing I could think of, months ago, was to ask for change.  Around here, everyone has a ministry they give to......so I just asked for pennies and whatever spare change folks find around the house.  Here's how I know that God loves them.  First donation:  $300.  Next one, $400.  Third one:  $500.  From coins that random people saved and turned in for SCH.  Some of these people I barely know!  Others have walked the journey of life with me forever......coins add up people.

Sarah and Lindsey Farmer are coming to the US and visiting with supporters, speaking to groups, raising awareness for these kids.  Raising special needs children is expensive.  Meds, supplies, equipment, nurses, schools......it costs a lot.  They need multitudes more in partners.  Every partner they add can do at least as much as I do:  talk to your friends and family....ask God for ideas.....participate in the lives of these special kids.  Reminder:  God loves these kids!

Sarah and Lindsey will be in Sioux Center September 24/25.  If you have a group they could share with that may consider helping, please let me know.  We have a few already.  Also.....a friend, Miranda who sells a clothing line called Lula Roe is gonna do a fund raiser that week.  Buy her clothing and proceeds will be donated to SCH......When Sarah and Lindsey let me know they wanted to come, I said "yes!" not knowing how I could help their cause in my sleepy little rural town.  But so far, we have the clothing fund-raiser, the call for change, a scheduled speaking engagement at Claire's high school chapel and a visit to the 7th grade class at Sioux Center Christian to talk about India there....and because God loves these kids I'm sure he has more planned for them here.

It's just a few days.  It's just spare change.  It's just another cause.......and still....because God Loves These Kids.......it is so, so, so much more.  James 1:27 says this:  "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  to look after the orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."  Amen.  and amen.

Gather up your spare change folks.....Nicky's surgery is 71% funded as of tonight.  Let's get it fully funded, ok?


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