Round 1....and homeward bound

I used to be rather rebellious and a days the naughtiest thing i do is use my hot spot to fire off a late night blog.   Ooohhhhh....scary, huh.  It's been over 2 weeks since we left home.  We have had an amazing trip.  Maybe it was God's plan that I didn't have time or Internet to blog along the way.  I feel like I lived in every moment of our trip.  And I mean EVERY moment.   The reflection and blogging later will be a sweet "round 2" for me as I unpack this vacation in a deeper way.  For now I can say this.  My family is amazing.  Every single one of us and yes, that means me too.  I didn't know how I would do in a camper with all 7 of us for over 2 weeks.  On this last night in the RV, I can say that of all of us, I did the worst..... But I didn't do half bad.  I've almost made it home.  We have a long travel day tomorrow to make it all the way home. If you think of it, pray us through ok?  I will pray too but on day's more supplication than adoration if you know what I mean.   


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