Today's top 10

I'm making lists right now.  Shopping lists, to do lists, who to call lists......when to do what lists before we put the RV in drive and leave town.  Tonight, sitting in my rock-a-bye chair, I've come up with another list in a quiet moment.

Why I need a vacation:
1.  My work won't let me cash out PTO unless I take a full 2 weeks of vacation.  Um.  Ok.
2.  I haven't taken a vacation since last August, 2014......and I watched a full year of other peoples vacations:  fall, winter, spring and summer.  It's my turn.
3.  My family is often separate, doing separate things......its time for us to be cohesive again.
4.  I have a demanding job.  I need to breathe in the mountain air and the ocean breezes and gain perspective again.
5.  On vacation, I typically make resolutions for exercise and health when I return.  I'm due for some resolutions.
6.  I need new photos of my family all in one spot.  I can't find any of all of my kids together, much less with me or Roger in them!
7.  I have lost my rhythm of prayer.  It's been sucked into the vortex of busy and demanding and I am determined to find it back on vacation.
8.  My kids need some new souvenir trinkets.  They really do.
9.  I need no pool towels.  My goal is to buy a beach towel at every vacation stop and end up with a fresh supply of towels and memories.....I know, I'm a genius.
10.  After 17 days in the RV I will be so grateful for my spacious home that I will no longer care about stained carpets and chipped wood and falling siding and a hole in the garage door.......


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