Violetta came again

Today, Violetta came again.  Oh, that makes me feel peaceful, content, happy.  I should really get a kitten and name her Violetta.  (just kidding).....but seriously.  Tuesdays are fast becoming my favorite day of the week!  My dear, sweet mom-in-law chose to bless me this summer and gave me enough money to cover weekly cleaning until we go on vacation mid-July.  She understood how happy I am when Violetta comes and tames the chaos......and polishes my wood.....and cleans the lid of the garbage can.  Yes.  She seriously does that.  Some of you may do that in your own homes but the rate at which we dump things in our garbage is impossible to compete with......until Violetta comes.

Its the big things, like the house smelling good and looking fresh and clean, but also the little blessings.  A freshly scrubbed sink and kitchen window sil.  I stand in the corner of my kitchen hours and hours a day and deal with the stinky sink and the dirty window......but after Violetta comes everything is clean, if only for a day or two.  I wish I could afford to have her do the entire house every week, but I am grateful for the main floor being clean.....and trust that all of the members of our family will benefit from also helping clean the bedrooms and downstairs.  Everyone has chores every day.....but on Tuesdays when she comes,she inspires us to raise the bar a bit, ya know?

Thank you, Mom Kredit, for the gift you gave me today and lots of tuesdays this summer.


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