
Ugh.  We have lost "blankie".  Precious has been attached to a pink blanket her entire life, from the day we met her.  We were at the adoption agency and the social worker took her in and we held her and cried and laughed and cried and took pictures and then we went to Target and bought her the pink blanket and all the rest of the baby stuff.  We wrapped her in that satin, soft pink blanket and she has been wrapping up in ever since.  It's been missing for about 2 weeks, I think.

She will be six years old next month and we should maybe be ok with it just disappearing but that is not the case.  I'm kind of messed up over it, actually.  It has to be here somewhere.  It isn't even pink any more but more of a washed out bleh color.......but it smells just right, like her, and it is worn and loved and......ok.  I miss it too.

The 3 older kids all had a favorite blanket and when each decided they were "done" with it, I refused to let them get rid of the blanket, no matter what kind of shape it was in.  I stuffed it in each of their undies drawers just in case they needed it.  I plan to gather them all up and put each in a zip lock bag and keep them so that someday, if they remember, they can ask and I will have them.  Maybe, when they unzip the bag and take out the rags left......they can remember being very small and vulnerable and I need her blankie.  I do.  Josiah, for now, has 2 he really likes and we try to keep close.  I will for sure keep one.  His birth mom made sure he had one for Christmas when he was a baby and that is the one he is holding right now.

The missing pink blankie is important enough that today I put a bounty out on it.  I told the boys that I would give $25.00 to whoever finds it.  They looked and looked to no avail.  We have found blankie in some strange places over the past 6 years, believe me.  Unfortunately, because Precious Maryn's brain spins very fast, she cannot ever remember where she had it.

I think I will say a prayer and ask God to lead us to blankie......I'm sure He knows where it is!


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