mountains and roads and hi-ways

This morning I woke up earlier than I wanted to.....after less sleep than I had hoped for.  I read Isaiah 49.....mostly because I happened to have a book mark in it.  Why not, really.  This verse is still with me at the end of the day.....Isaiah 49:11........And I will turn all my mountains into a road, and my highways shall be raised up.

When I read it this morning I was thinking that I should hang onto this verse and blog it in a few weeks on our road trip.....after I take some awesome photos of mountains and roads and hiways....but I don't have much discipline for waiting....and I feel like there is a less obvious point today.

If I get some awesome photos on vacation I'll bring it back, I promise.  For now, its just this.  When we were trying to adopt our little flower from India, we were part of a group of families who were also trying to adopt kids from the orphanage SCH.  The group was called "Mountain Movers" so whenever I read a passage of scripture that said mountain, I wondered if it was a word from God.  I'm sure that was why I highlighted this passage years ago.  At that time, I may have thought that God intended to change the mountain into a road to our flower......but when I read it now I see that He did change that mountain into a road that would lead to Josiah instead.  Maybe we shouldn't think we can directly interpret scripture all the time.....but rather pray for wisdom and an open mind when we read it.

Lately we are talking alot about mountains and roads and hiways and our RV.  We are getting nervous and hoping that the vehicle doesn't break down during our "trip of a lifetime"......and I wonder how God will again fulfill his promise to turn our mountains into roads and raise up our give us safe travels with our sweet family.  

Today.....I faced a few mountains that may just look like the stuff of every day...but I was incredibly tired just starting a really big day.  and there were challenges and tantrums and fits and rages and even now I just want to sit and reflect and write meaningful things but the mountain of parenting has not yet become a road.......

I look at the stained carpet and the damaged furniture and the credit card bills and the projects that never get done and they, too, look like mountains.  How will He make them into roads?  How will He raise up these hiways so that I can pass through these challenges......I want new flooring and furniture and I want to cut down backyard trees that are a pain in the neck, and I want so many things that may or not be defined as mountains but at the end of the day, isn't everything a mountain?

Maybe the "mountain" tonight is not my children or my parenting or my house or my bills.....maybe it is my attitude and my posture.  Maybe I need to be willing to look at the Lord tonight and say this.  "Dear God.  I am the mountain.  Move me and change me into a road you can travel on......."  


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