Precious is worried.

Precious.  Oh Precious.  I have spent countless hours trying to figure you out.....and a fountain of tears crying about you, for you, over you.  You are a master-piece, my child.  You are stunning and you are exquisite....and such a mystery.  I didn't know it was possible to feel more deeply than me, but I have decided that you feel more deeply than I do.  You are so bright, and so intense.

In so many things, I fail you, my child.  Your vault of shame and condemnation is flabbergasting and unexplainable.  Where does all that doubt come from, sweet one?

You are in agony this week because of kindergarden round-up.  Awake for 2 hours in the night, having anxiety and stressed all day today because of it.  Last year, after round-up, it was decided you should do TK and not kinder.....and it was the right choice for sure....but this year it is stirring up doubts about why you didn't go right to kinder last year.....and what will next year be like without your special TK teacher and the para in your room who is a seasoned educator who loves you so much.......

Oh dear child.  You will be fine in Kindergarden.  You are ready now...but how do I tell you you are ready....and that you can love your new teacher September.  Not today.

In desperation, I emailed the tK teacher and said, "what do I tell her so that she won't be so stressed tomorrow?".....and teacher called me back and even though Precious had already fallen asleep in exhaustion, teacher let me cry and vent about how hard it is to help Precious Maryn do life.  Her anxiety is so significant....and so real.  Teacher......who loves Jesus first and her career shortly after.....screamed, "John!  look outside at all the dear in the yard!!!!!" )they live on a berry farm.....and she didn't want her son to miss a flock of dear near the house.  Can we all just smile at the mind of a TK teacher for a moment?   Then, teacher suggested that maybe she could stop by the house tomorrow morning and pick Precious up....and take her to school before the crowds....and show her the room.....and help her explore and visit the Kindergarden room.  Teacher, who is a mom of 3, busy career woman, cancer willing to pick up my little fragile flower in the morning so that Precious will feel good about round-up.

Much of life is hard.  Know this.  We never, ever have to do hard alone.   There is always someone willing to walk with us through hard things, if we are humble and willing to ask for help.

Precious Maryn, you are blessed.  You are special.  You are worthy.  


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