First taste of spring.....

Spring came to my home town today.  We woke up to blue skies and a bright sun shining.  Josiah calls the sun "big yellow guy".  Sometimes he says, "big yellow guy, stop.  you are too bright in my eyes!".  I need to find him some good sun glasses.

We gave Isaac his gifts and I think his sweet smile was even warmer than the spring sun today.  He feels loved, not because of the stuff he got, but because what we gave him reflects that we know him.  We validated him on his birthday.  We are celebrating him.....and the day got warmer and the kids spent time outside on the tramp and around the yard.  I took the dog for a nice long walk.  I might even have a bit of 45 degree sunburn on my very pale face.  Spring.

I opened the windows today at 8am and have not closed them yet.  I hear birds and trains and children......oh my this winter has felt so, so long.  Spring came today.

It will stay warm for a few more days and then maybe it will get cold again, or not, but eventually spring will stay.....and be sometimes wonderful and sometimes miserable with the rain and the mud and such.....but for now.  Winter is about done.  Spring came today.  I am making lasagna for dinner tomorrow night.....maybe for the last time for awhile.  It's winter food to me.  I plan to buy more cold cuts and fruit and salads for lighter fare......making lemonade more often.....digging out my long skirts and t-shirts and packing away the bulky sweaters.

"big yellow guy" gave me a fever today.  spring fever.  I'd like to be "spring cleaning" but I've had a revolving door of kids here today instead.  I do want to clean.....but I need either someone to take my kids or someone to clean my house.  I can't ask Isaac to clean on his birthday.  There's always tomorrow.....and it promises mid-40s at least.  Spring in Iowa.

We have Jeremiah's tri-state championship swim meet tomorrow.  He and Isaac have swam for about 7 years total, and have always had qualifying times for tri-state.  Jeremiah qualified for tri-state and mid-western meets so he will swim tomorrow in the home town pool....and in 2 weeks in Nebraska....and then he will be done.  We don't have a high school team so for him to keep swimming would mean he would have to go to school somewhere else.  That's just not an option.  He is gonna finish swimming soon.  Tomorrow will be his last meet here.  I can't wait to cheer this sweet boy on.....its the last meet I will watch.  Roger will take him to Nebraska while I take Claire to Minneapolis for dance.

Isaac was planning a party tonight with his 3 best buddies but state basketball championships and winter vacations caused an interruption.  He will do his party with his buddies soon....but for tonight, I let Isaac choose his birthday dinner menu.

Grilled steak (ribeye-yum)
Cheesy potato hot dish
Calico beans

and Pepsi.  (24 pack)

On this first day of spring is in the air......we are firing up the grill......and celebrating my Isaac.  

It may not be spring  until March 22-ish....but in this house, on this day.....spring came to town.


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