I Am Poem-another assignment I boot-legged.

I am Nikolyn Kredit, formerly Nikolyn Vermeer....no middle name.
I am a child of God.  He claimed me early and for as long as I can remember.
I am the first born child, first born grandchild and cherished and celebrated and spoiled.
I am the first niece to multiple uncles and aunties who forgot I was not a sibling.  I am loved.
I am the quiet-as-a-church-mouse child among adults who listened and learned how things go......
I am the care-taker of all who are younger and more fragile than me.  Brother, nephews, nieces, etc.
I am the babysitter at age 9, the nanny at age 12, the confidante in high school for all the troubled souls.
I am the one who does not want to disappoint.  For a long, long time.
and then.......
I am the one who starts to learn who I am and what I want.
I am the one who stops feeling less than and understands that I.  Am.  Worthy.
Rebellion happens.
Suffering follows.
Suffering extends.
Suffering teaches.
that I.....am.....a.....survivor.
I am a child of God.  He claimed me early and forever.
I am rescued.
I am set on a course for an adult life of meaningful purpose.
I am now intent on living a life that pleases the Lord, and worthy of mercy when I don't.
I am still learning.  Forever learning, forever growing.
I am a student of life and of the Cross......
I am a writer.  I am a nurse.  I am a wife.  I am a mother.  I am a daughter, a sister, a friend.
I am still becoming all that the Lord intends me to be. 


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