what's for dinner?

Last week Tuesday I shared some insights at a local MOPS group....and my thank-you was a gift certificate to a yummy coffee/wine/restaraunt/swanky kinda place called The Fruited Plain.  There are few of these in Sioux County.....but I know where they all are.  At least I hope I do.  The very next day, I played hookie because it was snowy and windy and I don't work in those conditions.....and invited my boyfriend Roger out to lunch to spend the gift certificate.  We stuffed ourselves and it was awesome.  The other gift in my thank-you bag was a cook book.  There is no way the leadership could know how much I love, love, love......love.............love cook books.  They are my secret hobby, my indulgent chocolate........when I have down time, I love to read through cook books and get ideas and remember whens......

So after I got my sweet cook book thank-you gift, I started reading through it.  I came upon another childhood flash back.....and ear-marked the page.....and friday afternoon got groceries so I would have everything needed to prepare......hobo dinners.


I ask you all.  Is the label, "hobo dinner" slang?  or even a racial slur?  I'm almost wondering and if so I'm sorry.  we also play a game called "mexican train" and I can't decide if that is a racial slur either.  I'm gonna plead ignorantly innocent but ready to apologize on both counts if proof can be provided.


What's that?

You want the recipe don'tcha.

ground beef, seasoned how you like it.  I did a meatloaf kinda thing with oatmeal, a fresh farm egg, salt, pepper and some onion.  form into a patty.  wrap patty in bacon.  GOOD bacon.  top with sliced potatoes, fresh green beans. (don't you dare use canned) a pat of butter and salt and pepper.  wrap in foil and bake for 60 minutes at 350 degrees......and tonight I skipped potatoes cuz I'm trying to lower my carbs so on mine, I splashed worsheshire sauce on, then extra green beens and fresh sliced onions, (no butter) and salt and pepper.  ok, ok.  I did springle a light dusting of cheddar cheese.  Don't judge me.  But do add the cheese.


Go there.  It was so, so good.  Comfort food, easy clean up....happy family.  Well, happy Isaac and I.  Jeremiah is at basketball.  PRecious napped thru dinner.  Joe ate tavern meat, pears, blue berries and one chip.  I still call that a meal.  Roger and Claire are just now leaving Des Moines after a Unity Christian girls basketball state victory......now they play again thursday.  Sure hope Claire can find a ride.  I cannot miss waking up Friday morning to Isaac's face on his 13th birthday.  She'll miss the next state game before I  miss that.

Hobo dinners......give it a try.  Maybe rename it even.  


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