not whining....a massage with cupping.....and a new diagnosis.....keep reading.

I haven't  done much writing lately.....mostly to avoid being whiney.  The dog is annoying, and its warm....but muddy.  The kids are restless....I am frustrated that the winter has ended and I haven't shed all of my "winter weight"...whiney, whiney, whine.  Who really wants to hear it anyway?  Not me.

I jacked up my back saturday, trying to move a basket of laundry that was way too heavy.  It's a sign of old age, I think....and too many wet towels....anyway, I've been in rough shape as of late.  My friends all rushed in with essential oils and prayers....Roger stepped up and walked the dog and managed the fam......and Claire got Influenza B.  Thanks, Claire.  Did you know that if you cannot swallow pills and you need Tamiflu to stop the raging will pay $230 for a 5 day dose?  Yes.  It's true.

I got some pain relief yesterday from the chiro.  I'm not exactly a chiro girl but its faster than physical therapy.  Today, I went to my friend and massage therapist, Donna.  I'd say she is magic but I know better.  She knows Jesus.  She prays as she works and allows God to heal through her touch.  She sqeezed me in this morning for a 30 minute session to work on my lower back.....and while she was "cupping" my painful spots......she asked if I had pain anywhere else.  I said, yes, my rt. elbow..arthritis maybe?  As we talked and she started cupping my painful elbow, I got the diagnosis....and a new term.

Phone elbow.  Holding my phone in my right hand all day as I read email, text, scroll facebook, etc.  (especially while in my car).....putting pressure on my right elbow.  Pa-the-tic.  Pathetic.  My right arm hurts because of my PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

What to do, what to do.....

Maybe I should put my phone away and only check it a few times a day.  That would help.  I could get a different job, where I wasn't in the car so much....but I really, really, really like the work I do.  I can't become younger.  Age is ruthless.  Time does not stand still.

What I really think, as I prepare to welcome another birthday myself, is that perhaps I need to give myself a gift.  Of Time.  Going slower.  Doing less.  Leaving the phone out of reach for more minutes of the day and being intrinsically less available to....everyone.  Kids included.  I have a birthday in about 6 weeks.  I may in fact give myself a gift of time.  Every day.  I'm tired of being out of time...short on time...a slave to time.  I'd really like to take time out of the equation for awhile.  

My massage therapist friend, Donna, is not a slave to time.  She scheduled me for a 30 minute session to work on my pain, and then kept me for 55 minutes and only charged me for 30.  That is a person who does not let time run her life.  I love that about her.

Phone elbow.  Think about it.  is it worth it?  do you have it too?


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