baby boy is growing up a bit

Josiah has finally started to have real tantrums.  Not the "too tired" or middle of the night ones, but real ones.  Defiance, aggression, disobedience.  Little bottom lip sticking out and arms crossed across his chest tantrums.  Hitting.  Throwing things.  It's hard to fathom, really, because he has been so sweet for so long.  He's still sweet, no doubt, but he is starting to test some boundaries as well.  Good for him!  Really!  It's very age-appropriate for him to go through this phase and figure out where the boundaries conundrum is this.

Josiah is my 5th child.  My baby.  I had a much better definition of my boundaries with child number one.  By the time I got to Josiah, I was like........."oh, whatever.  its all good!"   I have to amp up my game again.   I owe it to him to sharpen this aspect of parenting and have some zero tolerance rules that we always keep and monitor.....his birth order and his charm and his adorable face could easily allow him to get away with lots of naughtiness if I don't.

OK little buddy.  Lets start with this.
1.  Are you asking or telling?  If you are asking that's good.  If you are telling....try again.
2.  No hurting others.  (dogs included)......
3.  Learn the magic words and use them.  Please.  Thank you.  Bless you.  Sorry.
4.  You are not the boss.  Mommy and daddy are the boss.

That's it for now, bud.  Lets get to work.


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