Lauren Daigle - My Revival (Audio) and a Praise today

I was able to attend a conference this past weekend called Compel.  My mom and I go every year.  This year the speaker was Lisa Whittle and she was really, really good......funny, real, smart, convicting and challenging.  She is a published author and has a web site, and books, and an online bible study that is free if anyone wants to check it out.  One of her challenges was to begin a process of Soul Revival that will last the rest of our lives.  I do want this soul revival that will be sustainable long after the "Spiritual high" wears off, after an event like this.  If only every day could start with an hour of prayer, worshipful singing and scripture......oh wait.  It actually could.  I would not be in the company of 200 women who were also gathered to glorify God and learn more about how to know Him and do His will.......but I could and should and maybe can have this experience every day.....with Jesus.

Lord Jesus, I ask you to awaken in me a soul revival that will last my whole life and not fade away.  I am grateful to you, Jesus, for saving me, for loving me, for caring about the big and the small things in my life.  I am grateful that even when I am at my worst, you tell me over and over again how much you love me.  Help me to stay grateful all day, Lord, and not yield to my thoughts of things that are shallow and petty and worldly, or thoughts of things that are beyond my control to fix.  Help me to stay grateful for the health you have given me, and the beautiful people you have placed in my life.  Jesus, you are my revival......hour after hour of every day for the rest of my have promised me that you will not leave me or give up on me.  I am the luckiest person alive to be loved by you, Jesus.  Praise you for being my God.


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