I want to be like a tree.........

Recently, Claire and I had a conversation about living for the Lord.  As we discuss her future plans after high school these talks come up more and more.  Her love for Haiti and the children of One Vision practically doubled on her second trip over Christmas break.  She is already working on saving money to back in June if a trip gets planned.  She is reading books about living missionally, and framing up her approach to life with this in mind.  The beauty in her blooms brighter with every day she lives.

She commented that she sometimes wishes she had a "story" of getting saved.  That when you grow up with the Lord and ask Him into your heart as a child, you don't have that big story of coming to Him.....because you started with.....Him.

I had an answer that I wish I had known as a child myself, before I felt the need to test all the promises of the bible, to step away from the walk of faith and the presence of the Lord and to go "prodigal child" for a season.  I am grateful that God gave me this answer for my child and I know it is true because I feel like it gets confirmed over and over since we talked about it.  Again today, in church, in Psalm 1.....verse 3:  That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither-whatever they do prospers.

Raising my children to know Jesus is like planting them by streams of living water.  They have what they need to yield fruit in season and not wither.  They can prosper under the Lordship of Christ.  It is hard to get them up and fed and dressed on Sunday mornings and to church week after week.  It is not pleasant or fun.  But it is caring for that tree to do so.  Praying for and with our children matters.  Exposing them to not just the beauty of the world but also to the hard things, the widow, the orphan, the least among us.....and responding with kindness and care.  This cares for the trees that are planted by the Living Water.  I have a lot of room for improvement in the area of being a "Christian" mom, but at least I know it matters.

Because my kids, my trees, are planted by living water, they don't have to face the healing work, the trust work to come to Jesus.  They are already with Him. They get to start yielding their fruit in the great Commission, in the care and keeping of His Sheep.  That is such a gift.  I told Claire that if she first had to learn who her savior was, then decide to trust him, then take that step to receive the cup of salvation, then receive her spiritual gifts, then discern His call in her life......man.  That would take up a lot of time she is presently using to plan mission trips, to pray for her dance team, to teach 4 year old Sunday School and be a leader in her school.  She agrees.  :)

I've asked Isaac if he has any desire to go out and do mission work either abroad or closer to home.  He is not opposed to it.  He takes his time, thinks through things, but the seeds are planted and he, too, has permission to dream big and listen for what God may be telling him.  We are all created for a purpose, by God.  Most of us cannot find it without some conversations, some nudges, and some confidence.

I want to daily be that tree planted by living water, too.  I want to always be ready with a "yes" to yield fruit, when God calls me to that season.....there is a really, really great song by an artist named Justin Rizzo.  It's rather old but so good.  I think its called "Tree".   You can get to it on You Tube.  In fact, I think I'll go there to hear it now.  


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