a lamentation

Some days end with feeling very sad and not hopeful.....and it is not even personal sorrow....but the empathy I feel for mankind when s/he suffers.......and tonight I feel that sorrow.  I try not to post political assaults because, quite frankly, I don't even know what I feel or believe from day to day.  I do know that we are in very scary times in this country.  Oh.  My.  Word.  A wall?  That's the answer?  A wall.  Is this how far we have come as a species of humans?  Where is God?  Why is He not speaking up?  Maybe He should come like a tsunami or an earth quake or a nuclear war......I don't know if I can stand 4 years of hatred and bigotry and down right meanness.  Marriages are caving in.  Families are falling apart.  Teen age girls are feeling like there is no reason to live.  What the heck?

What the heck.

My disclaimer for my mom, my mom in law and step mom....and Jen....and anyone else who gets all wiggy when I blog like this....is that I/we are fine.  This is a bigger sorrow.

Maybe this is a lament for the year 2017.  Maybe this is tired mom after a really long week, feeling spent and empty.  Either way.....I need a dose of my own hopefulness.

1.  Jesus wins.
2.  Spring comes in about 60 days.
3.  Worshipful music gives us power.
4.  The bible is true.
5.  Dogs always forgive us and let us try again.
6.  Children are better than grown ups.
7.   Sunshine and blue skies help.
8.  The devil is a loser.
9.  Love is a verb.
10.  We need to help each other.

Top ten....at the bottom of the week......lets all just take a breath and step up again tomorrow, ok?  


  1. Thanks for sharing Nikolyn! I know it can be therapeutic to get our thoughts out on paper, and its vulnerable to write a blog that is honest about our thoughts when we are struggling. I have been writing my own lamentations on my blog, but it is more about my personal situation than care for humanity as a whole, maybe yours is a bit more beneficial to others... lol. I love that you ended with a few other other humorous "therapies" for what will help take your mind off things.

    As far as Trump and politics go... I know it might feel trite or hopeless to suggest this at first, but I added Trump to my daily prayer list. It's good to be informed, but I find that I catch enough through "hearsay" rather than trying to keep on what's going on. It's just too easy to enter into the drama and cause anxiety. So I try to just pray instead about what it is I hear.

    The word tells us to "prayer for our leaders", and also to "pray for our enemies"- that includes those who are foolish, and it takes ongoing forgiveness when leaders disappoint us. I pray for Trump for wisdom, salvation, and that he would protect the innocent. "The Lord raises up those who are bowed down; The Lord loves the righteous;
    9 The Lord [f]protects the [g]strangers; He supports the fatherless and the widow,
    But He thwarts the way of the wicked. 10 The Lord will reign forever,
    Your God, O Zion, to all generations." Psalm 146:9-10. Although I admit, it just feels wrong to even pray for him most times, Im encouraged by the thought that our prayers DO affect things and CAN change his mind by the intervention of God... or at least make it better. I've found Psalm 146 to be a perfect prayer tool for the situation. (Hope this is encouraging in some way?) Thanks for your thoughts Nikolyn!


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