Mother's Day.....we need more than one a year ladies!

This blog.....sometimes I write to share wisdom and truth from God.  Sometimes its a vent for me.  Still other times it is a way to record things I don't want to forget.  Tonight its the latter.

Being mom.  Mom  It is hard and it is a gift and it is a sacrifice for sure.  Tonight I am having a quiet celebration....happy mother's day... to me.  Maybe all week.  Heck.  Maybe all month.

Claire.  Claire is a junior in high school.  She is a good student, a leader on the dance team and at the dance studio.  She has a boyfriend.  She teaches sunday school at church.  She is aching for children in Haiti and for the mission opportunities there.  She is my first born.  This week they are having a Spiritual renewal focus at her (way too expensive) Christian High School.  The speaker challenged the students to identify their cloud of witnesses from Hebrews 12:1-2......and to identify their spiritual formation person.  She said it is me.

Isaac.  Freshman at a different Christian high school....studies hard and is getting really good grades.  Who knew he was smart?!?  He is taking finals this week.  He is 14.  He texted me around noon saying he was done and could I come get him so he didn't have to wait 3 hours to take the bus home.  Of course, bud.  I'm on my way.  I pack up my laptop at work and drive over to this town....20 minutes away.  We ride home.  "Isaac, any ideas for supper"  "Oh yeah, mom.  I'd love Chinese."  "Isaac, we are kinda broke til pay day Friday.....we can't spend $40 eating out tonight".  Isaac:  "oh, how about Korean beef?"  I can do that.  Korean beef it is.  He hate half the skillet for supper.

Jeremiah.  He was my babysitter for Precious, Josiah, and our "extra kredit" Eliana until her mama came to pick her up.  He set up Josiah's robot thingy he bought with Christmas money.....and supervised.  He went to youth group and came home and said, "Mom.  I need recipes for my project at school.  Like 3 or 5 of them."  This project is a cool thing.  They have to make a budget for being married, having jobs and kids, buying food, etc.  We took out Grandma Kredit's recipe box and he chose 5 recipe cards to take to school.  People.  Keep the recipe cards.

Precious.  Oh my heart.  This kid.  Yesterday I was taking her to dance at 4:25 pm.  She said, "Mom, I wonder if I would be the oldest or youngest in my family.....if I had stayed with my birth mom."  In that 5 minutes I chose to tell her what I knew about her birth mom and siblings.  For the first time.  On a Tuesday afternoon in the car.  I tried really, really hard not to cry.  I came home and cried. a lot.  She has 3 bio siblings in another place.  I promised her that when she is 18 we will try to find out where and who they are based on what we know from when she was born.  Adoption is......tragic.

Josiah.  My sitter is on vacation in Mexico for about 10 days this month.  I have work that must be completed ASAP and requires some focused work hours.  I'm having to juggle 10 kinds of crazy to make sure that Josiah has childcare and is safe and feeling good about his days....and he is a trooper.  Unfortunately, he naps for babysitters, not me.  So.  We are awake.  Til....well....really, really late.

I cannot speak to the experience of being a dad.  But for me, as a mom....and a mom with a career who works 25-30 hours a kinda sucks much of the time....and its kinda amazing most of the time.   Tomorrow I will set my alarm and wake up an hour earlier than my body wants so that I can make sausage/egg/cheese burritos for the boys.   Jeremiah has basketball early.  I will do my best to meet my work goals for the month, move my children around, hopefully exercise and just maybe stick with my eating plan designed to help me lose weight.  Seriously.  One Mother's Day is really not enough.  One a week?  Maybe.   


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