a small town tale.....

This is not a recent photo of Precious...I took it last fall, but I don't have another handy just now.  I want to tell a story about her, and about why we live in our small town.  Precious gets to choose most days, between going home on the bus after school with Jeremiah, or walking to her sitter, Jaci, with Jaci's children.  They all go to the same school.  Jaci's children look out for Precious and if she decides to walk with them the few blocks, they are very protective.  Jaci reports that they often burst into the house laughing and talking......she is always so welcome there.  Precious is rather impulsive at 3:30pm.  Sometimes, the morning plan to go on the bus is forgotten and she walks to Jaci's.  Sometimes the opposite happens.  Occasionally, she forgets which direction she is headed and then we have a problem.  Today was that day.  This morning she told me she planned to come home on the bus and I told her that was fine....but if she changed her mind and decided to walk to the sitter she should make sure she wore her snow pants and hat and gloves and boots.....because it is really, really cold today.  
I had that mother's instinct today, that maybe we didn't have a clear plan as we left home this morning.  I decided to work from home this afternoon so that I would be here if she came home, and that even if not, I would know she was settled at Jaci's.  I was busy at my computer at the dining room table when the phone rang.......it was another mom (fiercely protective, very smart, always watchful as all the parents are when they are in the drive through line for kids after school.....) calling me.   She had Precious in her car.  She saw her standing outside crying and asked her what was wrong and Precious told her she didn't know what she was supposed to do.  Sometimes that happens......this sweet mom told her to get in the car, got my phone number from the school secretary and called me right away.  I told her I was home and to just bring her to me.  Moments later, Jaci called......and her tone of voice was kinda frantic.  
Jaci's kids had come rushing in the door upset.  Their neighbor, Jonah, was walking home behind them and noticed Precious standing outside of school.  He saw her get in a car with someone.  He ran ahead and asked the kids if she was supposed to be with them....and they were all scared.  Jonah, and the other kids walking, understand that getting into an unfamiliar car is not safe.....and they were worried about Precious!  Luckily, I had already heard from Amanda, the nice mom who scooped her up, and luckily I already had her home safe and sound and a bit shaken up......so that instead of vommiting in fear, I could reassure Jaci and her neighborhood of sweet children, that all was well.  
This little town where we live.....this is a good town.  People care about people.  There are still dangers lurking everywhere, and we need to teach our kids to be watchful, like Jonah's mamma did, and like Jaci's children always are.  I can't promise Precious won't change her mind at the last minute, or forget what she is supposed to do....but I can go to sleep feeling pretty good today about the village that is raising our children.  It does take a village, ya know.  And I can say an extra prayer of thanks because all is well here.

This is not a perfect community.  We have so much work to do here...but tonight, I'm glad we are as far as we are in goodness and right-ness with the children we are raising.  Can you imagine how fierce these kids will be as adults?  I can...and it makes me smile.  Thank you, to my village today.  Jonah, Jaci, Amanda.....


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