5 Golden Rings and 6 Geese a-laying.....
I missed my 12 days of Christmas post yesterday. I got groceries in the morning, then took the kids to Walmart ( a bribe for good behavior the past 2 days when I had to work and had no childcare.....so the siblings and nana came to the rescue). With all of the kids home, there is a constant revolving door on the dishwasher, the fridge and the snack cupboard. Always cooking. Always washing. In the afternoon I worked to keep the wood burning in the fire place because it is just so cold in Iowa this week. Then we started a puzzle. Claire bought one with Christmas money at the mall the other day. She and Roger and I became helpless slaves to it for the remainder of the day. Hence, no blogs for the 5 Golden Rings. Oops. The 5 Golden Rings are said to represent the first 5 books of the Old Testament of the Bible. Genesis. Exodus. Leviticus. Numbers. Deuteronomy. While fixing the puzzle yes...