
I've written about feeling "Christmas-weary".....and I worked through that.  Then I found myself feeling "Christmas-able" and was able to celebrate that.  Thank you, friends, for reading along.  I would likely write just for myself, but it's fun when someone tells me that I write what they are thinking or spurs me on to share.  Phase 3 this season is.......Christmas-ready.

I am quite sure I am Christmas-ready because today I went back to Wal-Mart (AGAIN) for just a few last-minute things......its the mom work.  It's the finishing touches to make sure all the stockings gifts are purchased and come out fair.....and some supplies in case the kids decide to make caramel chex mix over break......and the one item I forgot to get from the grocery list that child #2 specifically requested.  I noticed a few other moms in Wal-Mart today.  They all looked just like me.....checking their lists, walking faster than normal pushing a occasional heavy sigh......its coming in just a couple days, Mamas.  Lets be Christmas-ready together and get that Wal-mart cart through the purchase line and get the heck home.  I left the store feeling rather accomplished.  I pushed my cart of loot out into the parking lot......and couldn't find my car.  I went up one isle and down the next and laughed with other store patrons because it was very clear that I could not find my vehicle.  One man tried to be helpful and demonstrated how he pushes his key alarm so the car would honk and help him find it.....thanks, sir.  We have keyless entry.  I continued on my quest for my vehicle, passing by spots I had parked yesterday (when I took Jeremiah and Precious because he needed to do his shopping yet), and the day before when I went to get a gift for a client with money that was donated to help spread Christmas cheer......thank you generous friend who reads the blog.  Much blessing to you this holiday!  I eventually found my vehicle and sent up a quiet prayer of thanks and then looked around me to see who was laughing.  Because I am.   I am Christmas-ready.

I have all the foods purchased for the next days of Christmas celebration.  I made savory chex mix for snacking and will bring that and spinach-artichoke dip and chips to our party tomorrow at my dad and Mary's home.  I love to go there and be there.  I am Christmas-ready to sit in the warm and cozy cabin where they live and look out at the chilly lagoon that feeds into the lake.  I want to watch all the birds and squirrels and deer explore my dad's animal feeders through the windows and remember years and years and years of happy Christmas gatherings with them.  We always stay overnight so that we don't have to rush.  My step-mom and I often stay up late talking.......

I am Christmas-ready for worship and fellowship with family and lots of eating and memory-making.  We do gift games like Bingo.  We eat special food and celebrate our family and the birth of Christ.  I am Christmas-ready for Jesus' birthday....and on that day......well.  That post will come.  I've already named it Christmas-grateful.  Stay-tuned.

Be Christmas-ready friends.  Buy the last things for gifting and cooking and celebrating.  Light a candle that smells like Christmas trees or diffuse an oil that smells like Christmas (or both).  Keep your Christmas tree lights on day and night now.....because we are ready...and it will soon be here and then it will be done again for a year.  Listen to the music......really listen.  Read your bibles.  Read the story of Jesus' birth into the world as a human.  Let that settle in......He is God.  Perfect.  Irrefutable and Undeniable......God.  His desire was to save the world......all of it......and so He came to Earth to live as a human being and so be able to relate to us and all of our hard stuff.....friends.  We have some hard stuff, don't we?  We do.  We really, really do.  Jesus came so that our hard stuff would not define us or determine our destiny.  He came so that we......can be with Him......for eternity. 

Be Christmas-ready to celebrate our Savior's birth.  Bake a birthday cake and light the candles.....and tell Him:  Happy Birthday Jesus....(.He is listening, ya know).  Or skip the cake.  I may decide I'm done preparing and not make one either....but do talk to Him.....tell Him you know that He came for you and for me.  He is the greatest gift of all.  Christmas-ready we Go!


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