I wrote one in case it may be one of the last blog posts for me.....

I may be coming to the end of my blogging adventure.  I'm not sure but I am beginning to wonder.  Many days, I have things I want to write out.  Good things.  Important things.  I decide at the end of the day to not write them and that makes me sad.  I am afraid that the fear of man and the concern for who will be critical or condemning seems to have taken hold of my writing voice.  God gave me this platform about 10 years ago and I think I have used it as well as I could to give Him Glory. 

In this present day in which we live, there are so many harsh and intense political positions and inflammatory arrows being shot around at the far left, the far right, the supporters, the haters.  Most days I don't know what I believe in any more, other than Jesus and how He lived and why He died....and why He rose again from death to take His place in Heaven....I don't know anything safe to stand on except love.  Love always wins.  Social media seems to be taking over the world......and making words not matter as much as they used to.  Words have always meant a great deal to me......

I am not quite out of words, so with that I will say:

An impossible and undeniable nightmare has woken up in my little town.  A teacher and athletic director of our small Christian grade school has been sexually assaulting children.  It's true.  It is in the news.  It really happened.  He may think he has done nothing wrong but he has done wrong.  It is my prayer that it is not irreversible and chronic wrong...that the boys he assaulted can heal and grow to be loving husbands and fathers in healthy relationships who can engage in Kingdom work for Jesus.  It is my prayer that truth will triumph and justice will stand.  If truth and justice do not win this time, I am not sure that I will know what to stand on moving forward.  I am undone by this.  I am......appalled.  I am ill.  I am angry and I am sad.  The depths to which satan will go to undermine the work of the Lord is impressive and appalling.  It makes me hate him more and more.

Please hate the devil with me in this.  Please agree to stand up for our children and say no to this atrocity.  Link arms with friends and family and peers who are going to fight for the health of these kids and speak the truth in love every single day, praying for healing to come to their lives. 

Regarding the monster himself......I will beseech you to pray for him and for his family.  For now, I cannot find that prayer but he needs prayer too.

We took a break from the nightmare to go to our first class to get licensed for foster care.  We are just at the beginning of this process and we committed to it before the nightmare started and we decided to not put it on hold.  For about 9 weeks we will travel to a different city and sit through 3 hours of training and move through this foster care journey.  Why?  Good question.  I'll save that for another blog post.....if I decide to write another one.  


  1. Keep writing my friend.....work and serve with all tonight heart unto the Lord...not man......love always wins!!
    Praying with you!!

  2. your words are so important. they carry power and weight and healing and kindness. i love you. God bless your family and the beautiful people of your town.


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