Who knows what we should be wearing this fall?

I have been doing some investigating lately.....trying to figure out what the styles will be for fall.  I have not done a good wardrobe overhaul for years and years.  I keep hoping that I can find the right balance to lose the extra pounds I am carrying and I try and try and then nothing changes....and I don't really want a new stylish wardrobe until I have a fresh figure to celebrate....but I am checking anyway.  Once or twice a year, I start to investigate on the internet.....what's in style now?  What is coming for the next season.

I'm sure it is a sign of my age, but seriously, you guys......we are going back to corduroy.....and overalls and turtle necks.  Wait till Roger hears about turtle necks....he hated them 20 years ago and I'm guessing he is less of a fan now!  Go ahead.....type in fall fashion 2017 and see what you get.  I don't know if it all looks silly because I WORE IT 20 YEARS AGO!!!!!!!, or because it is just silly.  What is everyone gonna do next year when none of the stylish shirts have the shoulders peeking out?  I have several skirts now that are short in front and long in back and I think that trend has also passed......what exactly are we chasing?

I want to look attractive and tasteful and relevant.  I do.  I also want to be a good steward of time and space.  I want to not be an embarrasment to my teenagers.....and I clearly, clearly am.  I want to be comfortable.  I want to be fun.  Basically, I want to be in style, too.  All the time.  I just can't because I do not have enough shopping minutes in my week, or money in my wallet to keep up.  Do you know that it is a trend to wear cropped jeans where the hem is uneven?  It really is.  It should be longer on one side and chopped up a bit on the other....and preferable paired with....wait for it....white ankle boots.  Yep.

Yesterday I found time to go for a hot and sweaty power walk with my dog the hour before preschool pick-up.  I got home just in time to mop my sweaty head and drive over to school.  I walked into preschool behind a gorgeous, leggy, fashionable young mom who had a stylish kimono blowing in the wind over skinny jeans and really cool ankle peep toe boots.  She had her hair long and wavy and her makeup was perfect and her sunglasses had to be designer.....she was gorgeous.  I could see my reflection in the windows walking in behind her.....adoption fund-raiser t-shirt, walmart sweat pants, my son's Adidas slider sandles and I was limping a bit from overexertion.  She held the door open for me and smiled.  Because the Holy Spirit dwells in me I was able to smile back and say, "Those are really cute boots!"  and mean it.

I like dresses and skirts for women and girls.  I always have and thankfully I have always been able to wear them and sneak under the trendy fashion radar.....when females wear dresses and skirts they look feminine and a bit mysterious.  Especially if the skirt is long.  They look interesting.

I should maybe move to India where a sari is a sari is a sari and that does not change with the new glamour magazines suggestions.....

Fashion is not my strength, most certainly.  Don't even get me started on home decor........do you know I still have things up on shelves and walls that we got the year we were married?  If the trends are predictable, it should all come back in "style" any day now!


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