5 Golden Rings and 6 Geese a-laying.....

I missed my 12 days of Christmas post yesterday.  I got groceries in the morning, then took the kids to Walmart ( a bribe for good behavior the past 2 days when I had to work and had no childcare.....so the siblings and nana came to the rescue).  With all of the kids home, there is a constant revolving door on the dishwasher, the fridge and the snack cupboard.  Always cooking.  Always washing.  In the afternoon I worked to keep the wood burning in the fire place because it is just so cold in Iowa this week.  Then we started a puzzle.  Claire bought one with Christmas money at the mall the other day.  She and Roger and I became helpless slaves to it for the remainder of the day.  Hence, no blogs for the 5 Golden Rings.  Oops. 

The 5 Golden Rings are said to represent the first 5 books of the Old Testament of the Bible.  Genesis.  Exodus.  Leviticus.  Numbers.  Deuteronomy.  While fixing the puzzle yesterday, Claire told me her teacher had sent her an app to use so that she could read through the entire bible in a year.  She has wanted to do this for awhile and talked to a teacher/mentor who helped her find a schedule that worked for her.  How cool is that.  I think its cool.  I read through the bible in high school too.  I should do it again.  Maybe I will try......

The 6 Geese a Laying represents the six days of creation.  (found in the book of Genesis).  For six days, Creator God made the world and on the seventh day He rested.  Because of this, we also choose to rest on the seventh day.  For some it is Saturday.  For us it is Sunday.  For others it is whatever day they set aside.....but it is important to rest.  God says so. 

Tomorrow we will rest.  Since it is New Years' Eve we will also reflect on the past year and remember.  We had some struggles in 2017.  It was a rather hard year, to tell the truth.  While I can appreciate the suffering, I can also readily say good-bye to 2017 and look ahead to next year.  I hope to take some time tomorrow for reflection and to release some of that hard stuff to the Lord. 

Thanks for following along with me this post-Christmas 12 days of Christmas narrative.  I hope you can find new and deeper knowledge of the Christian faith and purpose beyond the babe in the manger.  I am finding these truths by writing about them.  I am also reminded every day that this babe grew up to be the One who could defeat evil, rescue the lost, heal the broken, and redeem us all to the Lord.  As time marches on, so will I march on in the power and authority and love of Jesus who is the King of all Kings and Emmanuel, God with us. 


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