more on truth

Today I went to my local grocery store.  I needed stuff for our week.  Milk and eggs and cheese are always on the list.  Josiah likes to add chocolate and toys because he can use our "Alexa" to add things.  Roger is travelling this next week so our menu changes when he is away.  When Roger is away, we eat lots more chips.  Chips are medicine for Precious.....and indirectly for me, too.  I had a list when I went to the store.

As I was checking out, the sweet young girl at the register said, "I think you know my mom".....and so we started to talk.  Usually I don't talk to the check out people because I am preoccupied about how much I spent, or wondering what I forgot, or thinking maybe they are judging me for what I put in my cart.  Stop it.  I know you do it too.

My cashier and I agreed that I do know her mom.  She is a foster/adopting mom and a counselor for trauma kids.  I also know her 2 aunties who are a  nurse/missionary (and one of my dearest friends), and inner city pastors for homeless people in Chicago.  Heck yeah I know her mom.  I paid for my stuff and went home. 

Folks, I have had a week.  Like.  It has been one of the darkest weeks I can put on the (off)record because I just can't talk about it much. Well.  I can but I choose not too......

Suffice it to say this.  Regarding the scandal in my town and my kids school and the teacher who sexually assaulted children......if something happened with a student and they cannot come forward and disclose it....that is ok.  You have 10 years past your 18th birthday to decide to call the police and give a statement.  Your statement will be handled as evidence and will add charges to his sentence. 

I live and work with lots of people.  Some are good and some are not.  The good people are really, really good.  We will join forces and link arms and we will step forward together.  We have to.  After
Sabboth rest tomorrow, we all have to stand back up and move into Monday and do a new week.....and with God's help, it won't be as aweful as last week was.  Let's rest tomorrow and go to church and worship and pray and hear God's word.  Let's take a walk, take a nap, have a meal with our family and set our feet on solid ground....and then let us fight.

Let's fight for truth and for justice and for strength in this storm.  Let's fight for the truth that there is no shame in telling the truth.....and let us love our children well.  Let's call out the devil where he is torturing us and silence him by the blood of Jesus.....whether your family is directly affected or not.....taking thoughts captive in obedience to Christ will always be part of the offensive attack. 

We live in hard times.  We face hard things.  This is what I life verse:  Hebrews 12:2 says this.......Let us fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfector of our faith who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning the shame to sit at the right hand of the throne of God. 


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