Adoption awareness month

November is Adoption Awareness Month.  I remember when we were first married we went to Des Moines and toured the capitol building for some reason.  There were Adoption awareness posters and information stands all over the place....and I was so excited to point them all out to my newlywed husband.  See?  See!  He doesn't use as many words as I do in a day.  If memory serves me, he just nodded and said very little.  I'm sure inside of himself he was saying......"here we go!". 

November is Adoption Awareness Month.  We recognize orphans and the need for orphan care on Orphan Sunday in November.  Our local support group, Katelyn's Fund, does a fund-raising auction the first Friday of every November.  Adoptive families post photos of their families and recognize the reality of adoption.  We celebrate the beautiful reality of adoption and how we are growing families through adoption.....and we understand the sacrifices made in the name of adoption. 

Birth families sacrifice.  Adoptive families sacrifice.  Children sacrifice.  Adoption is not an easy thing.  It is a beautiful mess, a tragic blessing, a Holy heartache.......and many of us live all of it every day. 

It is November First.  I am celebrating Adoption Awareness Month today.  I have 2 beautiful children who God gave to us through adoption.  I have an entire community of friends and family who have this shared experience.  I have 3 bio kids who would never ever shy away from a topic of adoption.  There is a strong chance they will choose adoption as well. 

I hope to spend most of the month considering Adoption here at the blog, and sharing thoughts and feelings and scripture and music that also raise awareness for Adoption.  Stay tuned as thoughts unwind and gratefulness blooms.....


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