
Gospel is defined this way:  1.  The teaching or revelation of Christ.  2.  The record of Jesus life and teaching in the first four books of the New Testament. 

My little guy Josiah came walking into the dining room today where Claire and I were sitting at the table.  He said, "mom do you know what gospel means?"   I said, yes.  I do.  But tell me.  What does Gospel mean?  and he said, " it means the bible"......and it was so sweet and innocent and honest.  I asked him to go out and come in and say it again so that I could video tape him saying it.  I wanted to remember him asking me if I knew what gospel means......forever. 

We video taped it and while he was repeating it and as he was talking he.....tooted.....we got the giggles....then we kept taping and talking and you can see him drooling while he sucked on his squirty yogurt tube.   I asked him where he learned that word and he said"  preschool".

In this family, and in this community....you get to learn what gospel means in preschool. 
Gospel is the teaching and revelation of Christ.  It is the record of the life of Christ Jesus and his teaching in the first four books of the New Testament. 

The nightmare of the teacher who sexually assaulted kids at our school moved forward today.  He was arrested again and charged with 140 counts of various sexual crimes. I expected to feel relieved but I was mostly just sad.  I was sad all night tonight.  The gospel is the teaching of Christ.....and the revelation of Christ.  I guess that has to include bringing secrets and darkness to light and bringing truth forward....so that the redemption of Jesus can cover us with healing.  I pray it is so.

Today I began to pray a new prayer.  I hope those who read and follow can pray it with me.  It goes something like this:  Lord of Heaven, make these boys into the holiest of Holy Men.  Grow them up to be a profound influence in your Kingdom Work.  Stop the schemes of the devil in every step forward....in Jesus name. 

Yesterday we completed our third foster care class of a 30 hour course....the content is hard.  The future we face is full of hard things.....and yet we hold fast to the gospel....which is the relevation of Christ.......God with us.  He does not abandon us in this world.  He does not expect us to respond to the call to care for the hurting, the lost, the orphaned and the widowed.....without His help.  He is Emmanuel, God with Us.  He is the author of love and compassion.  He cared first, which is why He calls us to care.  Jesus is why there is gospel.......do you know what gospel means?



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