my adoption post for November, 2016.

Clearly, every single day of my life is adoption awareness day. Since I was a little girl, I understood that not all children grow up in homes with parents who love them. I was one of the lucky ones. My parents were not perfect. Still.....I grew up in a home with parents who loved me. They tucked me into bed at night and read me stories. I had a mom that checked my homework in the morning and drove me to practice and music lessons. I had grandpas and grandmas who came for my birthday. I had aunties and uncles who loved me and hugged me and asked me about my life when we sat at Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas celebrations......and God made sure I always knew that there were children who did not.
When Roger and I met and began to date, we were not young and naïve. We had lived a decade or so as adults and knew some things about the world. I make sure he understood that even if we had biological children, that I wanted and needed to adopt children born to other parents who needed to be in our family. He agreed to this burning desire inside of me. We made our family. 3 bio kids, 2 adopted kids (so far).
Precious Maryn and Josiah Christian were adopted into our family and our home. They "are not" adopted. They "were" adopted. There is a difference. Hear this. Children who have come home through adoption are not always and constantly "adopted". They were adopted one time, through a process and in court...and are now part of a forever home. Adult children who were adopted, you are not still presently being adopted. You were once....adopted. You are now.....the child of your family. It's just a matter of language but it matters so much.
I will not talk to you in terms of my "real kids" vs my adopted kids. As you can see from this 2 youngest children are very much our "real" kids, too. All 5 of my children mean so much to me that I would walk through fire to save each one......
Adoption awareness month matters. Consider adopting. Consider foster care. Consider sponsorship for an orphan in another country. Help the children who are not in families. The global church is and should be a family. None of us are allowed a pass on this one. If you know and love is your responsibility, too.
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