Feeling thankful, and at the end of the post a request.....

I am thankful.  I am Thankful for many, many  things.  Phillipians 4:6-7 says to"  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will gaurd your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Being thankful creates Peace.......did you know that?  It's true.  A thankful heart is listing all that it has, and is grateful.  I am always longing for more Peace and less Stress.....and the answer is right in front of me.  Be thankful.  I want that Peace that surpasses all comprehension always gaurding my heart and my mind, through the power of Christ Jesus my savior and Lord.

Today I am thankful that I was able to stand at my kitchen stove, as I do every morning, and make breakfast for my tribe.  We do hot breakfast here almost every morning.  I make the big boys eggs the way they like them.  Precious usually has some unusual breakfast request......today was doritos, taco meat with cheese and orange juice.  Yes.  Yes, I was able to pull that off, thank you very much.  I am thankful that I am awake and ready to tend to my family, check homework, make sure they are all up on time, etc.  There are so many children, even in my sweet little town, who don't have a mom that gets up to help them start their day with a smile, a hug, a hot breakfast.  So many children go to school hungry, over-tired, not dressed well for the changing seasons.  I am so thankful mine are.

I am thankful I grew up in a home with a mother that got up in the morning and came to wake me up singing.  She really did.  She would sing a silly song and wake me up and in my teen years she sometimes even had a cup of coffee in her hand for me.  What a lovely way to greet each day.  She was always ready to make breakfast which was usually hot.  Eggs, pancakes, oatmeal.......and I'm sure I got a smile and a hug most days as I left the house.  Because I was parented this way, I am able to do so myself....and five children here will grow up to do the same for their families.

Thankfulness yields peace.  Peace in our children, peace in our homes.  Peace in our lives.

I am thankful for safe schools and teachers who are invested in our children.  I am thankful for my daycare.  My sitter, Jaci, is always ready to greet each child that enters her home.  She has healthy food planned for the day and fun activities on the schedule and love and songs and snuggles and enough flexibility to match the mood of the day.  I have peace leaving my children with her everyday.  I am so thankful for her.  She is also watching a child whose mom is a young teen finishing high school.  This teen has bills to pay that match most adult people working full time.  I am thankful for this teen who has taught me so much about love and forgiveness and hope and resilience and persistence to not give up.  I have committed to helping her finish this high school year in any way possible.  She could use some help paying her day care bill regularly so that she can continue to provide safe and healthy childcare to her daughter.

If anyone  feels they could help me with her daycare costs, please let me know.  You know how to reach me.  


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