preparing for Dressember explains the "wearing dresses in December movement" to raise awareness for the social disease of human trafficking.  International Justice Mission also has a website that describes it.....and around here, you may find various groups of women who are standing together in dresses for the month of December.  Some are actively raising money to help fight the battle.  Others are wearing dresses to raise awareness.  Still others are just along for the ride, not really sure where they fit in just yet.  And that's ok.

I had a visit with a new friend this afternoon and she said that she and some of her friends are doing a fund-raising activity for Dressember.  As I drove home, in the misty rainy snow (or snowy rain.......) I did some contemplating again.  Why am I doing Dressember this year?  I think it is fair to ask myself that every year I decide to participate.  Why?  What does it mean for me?  What do I hope to accomplish?

My answer came quietly into my soul, as I pulled into the driveway.  I am doing it because I am not.....her.  I am not the girl that is being moved from state to state by a pimp, to avoid detection.  I am not the woman who has to sell her body for sex every day and is owned by another man.  I am not the child being forced into child labor with no pay.  I am not her.  I could easily have been......on any given day of my life.  Sin and a broken world decided this curse would be upon the mothers and daughters of the world.  (some boys too,, but a staggering majority are females)  This sin and brokenness stirs me to action.

1 John 3:18 says "Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."  I am participating in Dressember this year to love with actions and in truth.  My truth today is that I am so grateful to not be the daughter or sister or mother trapped in human trafficking.  My truth today is that it is easy to pretend this doesn't happen and to go about our happy, contented, priveleged lives as if it is not happening.  But it is.

I have one more day tomorrow to wear pants.....and then its 31 days of dresses for this lady.  I hope and pray that each of those days, God will bring to mind a fresh truth, a prayer, an act of worship to honor Him as he fights this battle in the Heavenly realms........I will do my best to share whatever He brings to light for me.

May December 2016 be the season that this evil disease loses its power and its energy.  May the chains be broken for those addicted to it, and those in captivity of it and may it be eliminated Jesus Name.


  1. Those words will summon me this month.... Love you and your support and your heart!


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