'Tis the season

Christmas season is so special.  For me......it is blessing upon blessing.  Allow me to share a few of my blessings: Our family thrives in summer...and we also love fall. Winter is hard here. I few of us experience " seasonal affective disorder" known as SAD.We feel down and out until we can be back outside in the sunshine.

Winter means that the dogs don't get the exercise they need so they are restless and obnoxious. .....but Christmas......Christmas comes right at the start of winter.  We begin this long dark season with a celebration of the birth of Jesus.....with festive decorations, a fragrant Christmas tree, music and programs and family gatherings.  I used to think that the music was my favorite part. I've changed my mind.

Its the "elfng".

In my work as a public health nurse, I engage with many families in the community and learn about their hardships, their struggles, their needs.  In my work as a mom and wife and church member and adoption support networker......I engage with families who are blessed with abundance and want to share with others in this season of Christmas.  It is a dance between those who have and those who don't and it is so, so beautiful.  I may get a message from a family who is struggling, saying: do you know someone who can help with Christmas for my children? We don't have money to buy them gifts this year"or something similar.....or maybe I just know it to be true. Sometimes on the same day I get a message saying, "do you have a family we can bless and shop for for Christmas gifts this year?' and I always, always do.

I am not very organized intrinsically, so my challenge is always to keep the givers and receivers straight.  Now, after many years, I have a tree I set up just for those gifts.  It sits on my piano in the front room and is lit up with lights.  You can see it if you drive by.  Throughout the month of December it will have gifts wrapped and labeled from sometimes anonymous givers,and ready for me to bring to families with little children who will be so excited to open packages.

Just last night, a family stopped by to pick up the mountain of packages given to them by an anonymous friend.  There was a Christmas tree, some decorations for their home (their first ever) and lots and lots of packages....so many, in fact, that the didn't all fit in the family car!  I get to deliver the rest tomorrow.  How lucky am I!

Behind celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, our savior, elfing is my favorite part of Christmas. My children are learning to love it too.

In December, if the snow falls and is beautiful, I celebrate that.  When Oh Holy Night comes on the radio, I do often fall on my knees and hear the angel voices.......and worship.....and I look forward to planning our family parties and gift-giving.  I revere our Advent devotions and sermons and the focus on Jesus who came to redeem us.....and I smile....a lot.  Jesus is the gift-giver.  His salvation.  His redemption.  His transforming power in us.....He truly is the reason for this season......and because He is, I get to be a part of so much giving.

Thank you to all of you out there in social media world, and church, and my circle of family and friends, who join me in this special season of "elfing" as well as worship.  The next 29 days or so will be magical.....they always are.  


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