on Perseverance......

My friend Liza has a great blog/website called One Word Life.  You should check it out.  She has been writing and looking at the world Perseverance.  This morning she asked for some ideas from moms about what perseverance looks like in parenting.

My answer was that God gives me the love I need to feel and show every day to my children....in my own power, I would just be selfish and crabby and resentful most of the time.  God's love helps me persevere every single day as a mother. Love.

Additionally, the affection we share here helps me to persevere.  Often in the mornings we are flying around trying to get out the door on time.  In the midst of the chaos, Jeremiah will come for a morning mama hug, even if I'm at the kitchen cooking eggs or in the bathroom brushing my teeth.  He loves morning hugs.  Isaac prefers them late afternoon, after his day away.  He will find me in the kitchen as I prepare dinner, heave a big 13 year old sigh and ask what's for dinner.  Then he will give me a full on tight squeeze and not rush it.  We see eye to eye these days as he is becoming more of a man cub than a boy......and those hugs infuse me with energy and joy to finish the second half of the day.  Claire's affection is more unpredictable but sometimes it is just a pause in her business to lay her head on my shoulder and just rest there for a few seconds.  I stroke her soft blond hair, give her shoulder a sqeeze and smile so she knows it is gonna be ok.  Josiah likes to "snuggle" throughout the day, as he drinks his milk.  He lets me stroke his soft pudgy hands and feet and squeeze his soft legs in a warm embrace.  It is not uncommon for him to look up  at me with his big brown eyes and say, "Mom, I just love you!".  Precious needs to sleep with me....so her affection waits for the day to end and lasts until morning.  Grace occasionally comes for a hug but more often just enjoys a smile and pleasant small talk.  Affection.

Lastly, perseverance is something I learned growing up.  My mom is a very loving and affectionate person.  That said, there is that moment when the gentleness needs to step aside and is replaced by something we call "put your big girl pants on and just do it".  This is a skill and must be learned to persevere in parenting.  Sometimes we don't want to get out of bed on time to get everyone moving......but if not, the day could become a disaster.  Put your big girl pants on and just do it.  Sometimes moms get sick but don't get to just lay around for a week.  Laundry needs to be done.  Food must be prepared.  Homework must be checked....... perseverance says you take some motrin and put your big girl pants on and just get the work done.  Etc.

I hope that in this home, our children will grow to act in love, because of relationship with Jesus, and that they will be generous with affection.....and that ultimately, they will also be strong enough to put their big girl/boy pants on and just get it done when necessary.  If they can manage all of that as adults, I can feel like I did my job.  


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