A Leap Day

This is a photo from last summer and unfortunately not a winter beach destination as so many others are showing pictures of this month! It is uncle Dale Leister and Precious taking a maiden dip in the northern pacific ocean.  It was freezing cold but P didn't care.  The next day uncle Dale got her a wet suit too but for the purpose of this post, enjoy this photo with me.  
What if we didn't know these two people......we could make up stories about father/daughter, teacher/student, allegories about man leading child into the big deep scary world,  etc.  Lots of stories could be told.  

Today the photo is my visual lesson of this truth, spoken by God to me today.  Today I was able to have a little baby in my home for awhile.  Her mama was exhausted and done and needed sleep.  She allowed me to pack up her little girl and take her to my quiet, child-free home and just snuggle, and rock, and sing and be together.  She was trying to go to sleep, fighting it as babies sometimes do.  I was in my bedroom with the lights off, the window curtains open and was just standing there jiggling her to sooth her, as mamas sometimes do.  I was looking out the window at the grey, windy day and felt baby girl settle a bit.  I looked down and her eyes were shut.  Her hand was tucked under her chin and she was sucking softly on a pacifier.  I felt a smile find its way to my eyes and then my lips and I heard God say this:  "There is no greater work to be done than this".  I believe he was referring to the care and love and keeping and growing of children and families.  I believe He understood that my day didn't go the way I thought it would, but the work that was done was great in His eyes.  

Today is February 29......a leap year.  Leap year is cool, and unique and exceptional.  I hope that many of us found cool and unique and exceptional things that happened today.  If not, then tomorrow is March 1st.  Start again.  Find ways to help and bless and keep and care and grow children and families.  We all have them, we all know them.....I'm so lucky I get paid to do this but if you want to know the truth:  I'd do it for free.  God has mercy on my husband so He found a way for me to get paid to do what He created me to do.......to help pay the bills.  Otherwise I'd be doing it anyway and Roger would be stressed........instead of blessed.  


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