Hi! How are you?

A common greeting seems to be this:  "Hi.  How are you?"  We answer one of two ways, typically.  Either we lie and say "good...and you?"  or we say "not great actually......" or something similar.  If we answer the second way, we need to weigh out whether the person greeting us really wants to hear how we are doing, or if they were just saying "hi".  Ya know?

ok, ok.  Go ahead and ask.  Several people today greeted me with"hi!  how are you?"  I'll be honest I did a bit of each today.  Oh.  so you are asking?  Well.  Let me just tell you how I am.........

Roger is out of town for work.  Both little kids slept with me and Josiah insisted (twice) to sleep between my legs.  I know, I know.  Why?!  It's his favorite spot.  It insures that Precious can not weasel her way between us.  The trouble is, he keeps the covers down there so I spend the night cold if I can't find a different blanket.  Precious was slammed up against me.  Josiah snored.  Precious ground her teeth.  Loudly.  All night.  We had to get up by 6am so I could leave the house by 8am to make an early visit out of town at 8:30.  I got 7 of us and 2 dogs settled, fed and out the door in 120 minutes.  Boom.

  As I was leaving the driveway, Claire called in distress because she needed gas and had stopped at a station she wasn't comfortable with in morning traffic in the ice and cold wind.......so I went to fill her tank and give her reassurance.  It was icy.  In park, my expedition was sliding down the driveway at the sitter which totally freaked me out.  I have only used my parking break once or twice ever.

My second visit of the morning, I stepped out of the vehicle onto grass and dirt, trying to avoid the ice.  With only one foot even down on the ground I slipped and in a split second, found myself under the expedition, on the ground on my belly.  I tried to crawl forward and out but slipped again and slid back.....and had to army crawl to some dirty wet snow and hoist myself up, get my feet under me and assess the damage.  Glasses askance and snow covered, pant leg sopping wet, a bruised knee and hip....(and ego), but no blood or bones showing.  I limped my way to the doorstep, righted my glasses and hobbled into the home.  Go ahead and laugh.  It's funny.

An hour or so later, I walked gingerly up to the school on the ice to go wash dishes.  It's my monthly volunteer duty.  I was getting more sore but not so much that I couldn't do my job.  I walked into the cafeteria with a fellow dish-washing mom who was telling the story of the very same thing!  She, too, slipped on the ice this morning and landed under a car and had to crawl out!  She was mortified and bruised too.  Both of us!  Same time!  Different towns.......good golly.  Truth is stranger than fiction.  Who can make this stuff up?

I can report that the day got  better.  I did good public health work today, had a great walk and talk with a dear friend, and even though the county attorney is summoning me to court on my day off this week, I'm not going to declare this week a disaster.  (ssshhhhhh......Violetta came today.  My house is clean.   I had a second hot dish from my uncle's meal gifting last week so I didn't even cook.......its.....not.....so.....bad.......)

"Hi!  I'm good!  and you?


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