Saturday journal
It's almost 11:30pm. I want to go to bed but still need to get some moisturizer into Precious Maryn's hair. That sounds crazy. I understand. We are hopefully going to have our friend Winnie put in fresh braids tomorrow after church. She needs to confirm....and Precious needs to consent. Tenuous.
Our last braids have stayed in for 3 months. They needed to come out....but when I take them out it sets the course for a difficult series of events. It takes a couple hours to take them out....then there is the conditioning of natural hair, then a good washing....then setting up for having braids put back in which usually takes around 4 hours....and P has to agree to all of it....and she is usually, mostly, oppositional. Until she will sit and let me fix and care for her hair on a daily basis, we have to do this regimen instead. It is costly both in time and hair is a big deal.
Today, we got Isaac to his basketball tournament, Grace to viola lessons, mom to the grocery store, then mom and kids to Isaac's last game of the season, (Roger took him at 7am) Precious to dance team clinic at Dordt College, and Claire up and ready for her day. Mom cleaned the kids' bedroom....for hours..... Then we watched Precious dance at the college, then she and I went to watch Claire dance at her high school.....and picked Grace up from the college where she was studying. Once home, Claire and her boyfriend hung out downstairs, Jeremiah tried some online shopping and quit frustrated, Isaac turned in early, Grace had a snack and retired, Roger started snoring as soon as possible, Joe fussed and fretted for a few hours.....and I worked at cutting/pulling out the old braids on Precious' head. They needed to come out.
It is now 11:30 pm. Old, stinky braids are out for Precious. I hope we can do fresh braids tomorrow....if not?...oh well. Josiah is finally sleeping and content beside me on the couch. I assume everyone else is settled because I don't hear any noise. Gosh, I'm tired. What a day.
Our last braids have stayed in for 3 months. They needed to come out....but when I take them out it sets the course for a difficult series of events. It takes a couple hours to take them out....then there is the conditioning of natural hair, then a good washing....then setting up for having braids put back in which usually takes around 4 hours....and P has to agree to all of it....and she is usually, mostly, oppositional. Until she will sit and let me fix and care for her hair on a daily basis, we have to do this regimen instead. It is costly both in time and hair is a big deal.
Today, we got Isaac to his basketball tournament, Grace to viola lessons, mom to the grocery store, then mom and kids to Isaac's last game of the season, (Roger took him at 7am) Precious to dance team clinic at Dordt College, and Claire up and ready for her day. Mom cleaned the kids' bedroom....for hours..... Then we watched Precious dance at the college, then she and I went to watch Claire dance at her high school.....and picked Grace up from the college where she was studying. Once home, Claire and her boyfriend hung out downstairs, Jeremiah tried some online shopping and quit frustrated, Isaac turned in early, Grace had a snack and retired, Roger started snoring as soon as possible, Joe fussed and fretted for a few hours.....and I worked at cutting/pulling out the old braids on Precious' head. They needed to come out.
It is now 11:30 pm. Old, stinky braids are out for Precious. I hope we can do fresh braids tomorrow....if not?...oh well. Josiah is finally sleeping and content beside me on the couch. I assume everyone else is settled because I don't hear any noise. Gosh, I'm tired. What a day.
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