a mama sick day

Matthew 11:28 says this.  "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."  I love this verse.  Christian mothers and fathers everywhere love this verse.  The Lord says, "come" and "rest" and we don't hear that from spouses or children or careers.  We hear this from the Heavenly Father who loves us.......

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."  Today, for me, that means a sick day.  Yesterday I worked all day, cared for my family, and came home.  At 5pm I hit a brick wall of fatigue and cold.  I had been out in the frigid post-blizzard Iowa winter all day, in and out of my car, in and out of homes and the office and clinic.  My feet were cold, my fingers were cold, my back ached.  I layed down and set my alarm for a 30 minute nap.  I don't typically nap.  I woke up feeling worse.....achy, chilly, exhausted.  We had a leftover dinner and then went to Isaac's Jr. High concert, and by the time I got home I had to yield to the truth that I was getting sick.  My muscles, my bones, even my skin hurt.  I was cold, I was hot, I was restless, I was achy, I was coughing......I went to the basement to avoid breathing on the family, and buried myself under about 6 blankets.

Roger handled the kiddos, everyone wished me a fast recovery saying, "get some rest!".....and my mom texted me a long list of oils I should rub on my feet, my wrists, diffuse, and drink and I thought to myself......mother?......I cannot move.  My skin hurts.  I'm just going to lay her until I feel better.  I tossed and turned and watched reruns of crime dramas and had bad fever dreams and woke up in a cold sweat once......and today Roger got everyone out the door and compromised his schedule and his meetings.....so that I could.....rest.

I was supposed to have a crazy busy day today at work.  Today, I was sick and I yielded.....and I have been sitting here on the couch drinking tea and water and pulling blankets on and off and on and off.....and believe it or not, I am feeling better.  Rest is good.

I think its a 24 hour thing.....I think by 5pm I should be feeling about normal, at least I hope so.....I have lots to do yet this week.

If you find yourself weary and burdened and the Lord is saying "Come", I would suggest that it is a good idea to accept the invitation.  He will give you rest one way or another.  Because He cares for us.


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