in my "fancy world".....and Renita.....and oils.

I just re-read my post from last evening and I marvel at how quickly a mood can change.  Precious came raging in like a tsunami, crashing in on my peaceful reverie......and was totally out of sorts.  We call this dysregulation in our fancy world.....basically she was going berserk and nothing anyone said or did was helping.  Not food, not snuggles, not lavender oil or ipad.......she was just inside out and upside down and I was not prepared for the switch.  I did what any distraught, exhausted mom would do at the end of the holiday week.......I texted my friend who sells essential oils.

Within minutes, she had whipped up a magic concoction into a pretty little roll-on tube (we call that a roller ball in our fancy world)  She called it "Special Girl roller" and its in a shiney pink tube and includes:  ylang ylang, valor, cedarwood, orange and joy in jojoba oil.  It smells awesome and guess what else.....after 2 applications on her wrists and neck and back, against her will, Precious yielded and went to sleep.  Like Magic, only brighter and smells wonderful.

I texted my friend, Renita, the oil lady back and let her know the results.  She urged me to put some behind my own ears, too.  :)

Who knew that some ancient oils could rescue my daughter and me from a frenzied, crazy, scary and distraught moment in time......I'm guessing God did, which is why He created them!  Thanks, Lord....and thanks, Renita.  Love you both.


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