My 9 days til Christmas psalm.....

Today, I wondered why we can't either do Christmas Season.....or do "life" as usual.  I think it's unfair to try to do both.  At least for me.  We have teens who are stressed about exams, and tweeners who are busy with ball tournaments and homework, and littles who need to practice reading, and work on wearing pants instead of shorts....and eat healthy food......and a set of parents who have JOBS.....and then we have......

Christmas programs, secret santa gifts that need to be purchased, work Christmas parties, Christmas work schedule for teen, shopping and helping the kids with gifts....and the stocking

 ( Roger and I tried to eat clean and healthy and failed/dive bombed the exercise part this month...)

We get some money from parents for Christmas and I was thinking out loud...., "maybe I'll use my Christmas gift money to have Violetta clean every week instead of twice a month for awhile"....and Roger said, " mentioned that you wanted some good snow boots so that you could walk Lexi in the winter?"......yeah.  or.....that.

I Love Christmas....and I love our crazy, busy, chaotic, meaningful life.  Tonight, with just 9 days til Christmas.....I mostly just feel overwhelmed.  In this place of feeling incompetent, I remember that the reason Jesus came to earth as a baby, to save the world..........was so that feeling like I do not the end of the story.  He came to Earth to live among people, and understand our faults and failures and hopes and dreams.....and then He chose to go to the cross to die for us anyway.  T minus 9 days to Christmas is not the end of the world......Jesus came so that it is His domain again and again.....All the days leading up to Christmas and all the days after.....are in Jesus name.

Thank you, Jesus!  For mattering so much.....that you are in this crazy season....and you authored it....and you complete it.  Oh.....and You, Jesus, will be the same on the other side of the Christmas Season.  Yes.  and Amen.


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