the menu, the flexibility, the declaration for a new year......or something like that anyway.....oh. and a challenge.

Yesterday, Isaac asked for meatloaf and mashed today, I made a plan and a trip to the store to make that happen.  I guess I love with food.  I also welcome any dinner requests.  I got the stuff I needed and throughout my work day, got things prepped for dinner.

I have a young client who is a teen mama.  She lives with her mom and sisters and some cousins/friends who all contribute to the rent every month.  She has asked me for 2 months, to help find them a bigger home.  They are not US citizens, so its not easy to find homes to rent.  People take advantage.....they have been living in a sub-standard home for awhile.  One reason I like this girl so much is because she KNOWS it it sub-standard.  A series of Christmas events flushed out a home that would be available for rent in January.  I have spent some time this holiday trying to figure out if it was a good fit for my teen mom and her family.

Today, at the time of day I am usually at home getting dinner ready and children settled, I was waiting in the snowy afternoon, in a driveway, for the teen mom's mother and family to get off go look at the house.  Precious and Josiah were with me because it was after daycare time....and I had them snuggled in the back seat with chips and apple juice and a movie. 'Cuz that's what working moms do sometimes.  When the family got home, we caravan'd out of town to this rental property to see if it would be a good new home for my girl.

Precious and Josiah came in, with the family, and the landlords, to see the home, ask questions, talk costs, etc.  You would think my children had never left the city limits.  Cows!  Oh my!  Farm...Oh My!   ....we really need to get out more!

We finished the tour and I am hopeful that my sweet family will choose to move to this beautiful, spacious, generous place.  Meanwhile, Isaac had texted dad, asking if they could go see Star Wars tonight....and Roger checked with me and I thought, "well of course!  the teen boys want to go to the movies on holiday break with their dad?!  of course!  We aren't going anywhere fun this holiday...we are home working and doing go, go to the movies!".....we popped in a frozen pizza so they wouldn't starve to death.

I spent an hour making meatloaf, potatoes, and tavern for Precious.....and now its 7:15 and no one is eating.  I CHOOSE to understand that food can wait, but sometimes memories can't.  I CHOOSE to believe that taking my kids out in the cold late afternoon to help a needy family find a decent home is worth a disruption in our routine....and I CHOOSE to hope that they won't remember me as a "working mom" but more of a "helping mom".

I have done a dozen loads of laundry in the past 2 days and I am left with about a dozen unmatched socks.  Tonight, I think I choose to light my wood-burning stove......and savor the warmth....and burn those daggum socks once and for all, as a sacrifice and offering to the old years' end and New Year's coming.

Wanna join me?  Lets all sacrifice the unmatched socks for December 31, 2015......and feel hopeful and peaceful and content with our decisions in life as we begin 2016......

Who's in?


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