where are the fathers....

Where are the fathers?

Yesterday, I scrolled through the Heart Gallery of waiting children in Foster Care.  Many/Most are minorities....and lots of them are older.  The older kids break my heart.  They smile.....and yet I wonder if they are thinking......who would ever choose me?  Breaks.  My.  Heart.  I can't take these kids.  At least, not now.  I have young children still....and that's not safe.  I'm left wondering.....where are their fathers?  Their fathers should have them and care for them and raise them up.

Every year, I get a dozen or more requests from young mamas, asking for help to provide "Christmas" for their little ones.  I have very generous and good friends.  Sometimes, my friends' list even super-cedes my "needs" lists....how great is that!  The families who ask for help for Christmas are humble.  Defeated.  Longing for.....special.  Where are the fathers?  They are not there.

The fathers are somewhere......somewhere empty and knowing.  They have to want to be right with their children, don't they?  Heavenly Father has to somehow touch....these Earthly Fathers.

Meanwhile.....my kids....they have a father.  On Earth and in Heaven!  Today, Roger took Precious and Joe to see Santa at the mall.  Then he took Jeremiah to his basketball tournament.  Last night, he went to get Claire and her dance friends from school after the state dance competition....he is here.  He is part of this family.  The children all know Dad is reliable.  He helped Grace get her phone recently.....he drives Isaac to basketball practice on Tuesdays and Wednesday mornings....and even makes his breakfast if I am not awake.

There are 5 children and 1 Grace in this house....and they know where their father is.  He is here.  Every night.  Every morning.  I love that they don't even know how rare or wonderful that is....they just expect it to be.

Roger....you cannot be a father to every one....but it matters that you are a father here.  Every day.  


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