my Christmas Gift from God this year.....

Here it Christmas song gift from God for 2015.  How do I know this is it?  I will tell you.  For weeks now, I've been feeling like God was nudging me to the song The First Noel.  I hear it often and I get a sense He wants me to listen I do.  I've even read through the lyrics, wondering what the message is.....I looked up the word Noel and where it came from and what it meant.  I've spent quite a bit of my Advent season considering.....The First Noel.

The song is really simple and not very profound.  The first Noel, the angel did say, was to certain poor shephards in fields where they lay......and so it goes, and the jist of it is that It was the first Christmas.  I wondered if God would have me focus on it because of its simplicity, urging me to simplify, and listen, and understand the certainty of the truth of the first Noel......that Jesus came to Earth for us.

Today, I was scrolling down facebook, relaxing instead of doing laundry or charting or cleaning.....and a facebook friend had this song posted.  I listened......and just felt that this is the one.  I love Lauren Daigle, and Christ Tomlin......and I love every single thing about this song......and I mostly love that when I listen to it I feel drawn to Jesus.

Jesus, the savior, the Messiah, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (especially the 'lord of Christmas').....and I want to sing and lift my eyes to Heaven and belt out those notes just like she does all for the glory of One.  Noel.  Noel.  Look what God has done!

Look.  Look.  Look......

Look at the gifts under the tree, the menu planned for the holiday, the cards and letters and well-wishes.  Look at family and friends and concerts and the Nutcracker Ballet and Handel's Messiah.  Look at all the world does in honor of that first Noel.

Then look again.


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