Every year at Christmas.....

Every year.......I love Christmas.  Fresh and new.....every single year.  I love that Jesus lets us do this big climax of a season, leading up to the designated, if not actual, day of His Birth.  Christian and non-Christian alike.....we all get to do this crazy season every single year.  Trees, lights, food, parties, gifts, music, and everything in between.....every year!  Without the "season" and without the worldly flair, I wonder if I would remember, reverantly, the birth of Christ every year.  I almost think that I would not re-exam it as much.  Thank you, worldly Christmas, for turning my eyes to my Savior ever single Christmas.

Every year......I love Christmas spirit.  The festivity, the mercy, the generosity.  Every single year I am blown away by how many people long to help and bless others at Christmas.  I get texts and face book messages and emails, I get stopped in the store and on the street, with inquiries like, "our family wants to bless/adopt/help/shop for/gift/share Christmas with someone who needs help.  Do you know of families who would like help this year?"  seriously......every single year.  My month of December usually consists of me saying "of course!" and then getting a list from a family and sharing it with the generous Christmas "Elfs".....and then receiving the packages and keeping them organized and delivering them......and the people who live here with me just shake their heads in awe and wonder as they see gifts and wrapped presents come and go every day.  It is so, so, so, so, so much fun!  

Every year.....I listen to all the familiar songs and Christmas Carols because every year, there is one that stands out.  I wait for the Lord himself to show me which one He has planned for me each year.  I know it when I know it.  The words, the worship, the reverence.......I always know which one is my gift from Jesus Himself.  I don't have it yet....but I think I have it narrowed down to a couple.  He will reveal which one it is this year.......and my gift will be new wisdom and understanding of the words and heart of the song.  Yes, I did say that.  Jesus gives me a gift every Christmas.  Every year.   

Every year......we spend too much, we eat too much, we try to fit too much in.  The kids have programs and concerts and projects and secret santa exchanges.  I want the music teachers and cleaning lady and groomer to all get a gift......you get the point......but for most, its once a year.  A chance to say "thank you.....you matter.....I appreciate you......"  If I was better at it all through the year, I wouldn't need Christmas to nudge my gratitude.

Every year.....I want to do an awesome family photo where we are all dressed in color-coordinated apparel, everyone is smiling and facing the camera.....and maybe snow is falling and we all look happy.  Ok.  Now I'm just dreaming.  That never happens.  Not here.  Oh lovely....I think my dog is trying to throw up on my carpet.  She snagged a peppermint candy and took off with it earlier and my guess is that she devoured it, wrapper and all......so.....ho, ho, ho.  German Shephard barf is on my radar tonight......before sleep......lovely.


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